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  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(十二) 2014-12-25

    George Washington (1732-99) the first US *President (1789-97), who had led its army to success in the *American Revolution. He is called the Father of His Country . The *Continental Congress placed
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(十四) 2014-12-25

    MAYA 1.Maya Culture The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucat n around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(十六) 2014-12-25

    霓虹燈 A neon light is the sort of light you see used in advertising signs. These signs are made of long, narrow glass tubes, and these tubes are often bent into all sorts of shapes. The tube of a ne
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(十五) 2014-12-25

    任何一個古代文明都有自己的文字體系,文字是文明形成的標志。然而,瑪雅的象形文字對于現(xiàn)代人說來真是一部天書,它的謎底直到今天仍未解開。 20世紀50年代前,有學(xué)者雖然找到了讀懂瑪雅文字的突破口,但他們始終認
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(十七) 2014-12-25

    洛杉磯 洛杉磯是美國第三大都市,位于充滿陽光的西海岸。好萊塢是婦孺皆知的電影王國,狄斯耐樂園更是全球聞名的游樂園地。加州蜜橘堆積如山,而中國城則充滿中國傳統(tǒng)氣氛。洛杉磯乃是生氣蓬勃的美國觀光勝地。 好
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(十八) 2014-12-25

    友愛之城 費城 費城是美國第四大都市,隨同歲月的飛逝,與工業(yè)化的進展,費城所擁有的歷史性遺產(chǎn),已逐漸褪色。但是在十八世紀中葉,費城卻是起草與通過獨立宣言的地方。而且,美利堅合眾國憲法草案也在費城起草與
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托福考試閱讀背景知識(十九) 2014-12-25

    議壇之城 芝加哥 芝加哥系美國第二大都市,也有人稱之為 美國的超級市場 TheSuperMarketofAmerica。無論從那一個角度看來,它都是一個典型的美國式都市,既是商業(yè)中心,又是交通要衛(wèi),市內(nèi)到處是在建筑史上占一席地
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(二十) 2014-12-25

    大蘋果 紐約 紐約,世界最大的城市,在這里,摩天大廈林立,有著名的第五大道(FifthAvenue俗稱第五街)、對世界經(jīng)濟極具影響力的華爾街WallStreet,以及藝術(shù)家們響往的格林威治村GreenwichVillage。 帝國大廈EmpireS
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(二十二) 2014-12-25

    美國為什么遷都華盛頓 1789年,美國聯(lián)邦政府正式成立,華盛頓當選為首任總統(tǒng)。當國會在紐約召開第一次會議時,建都選址問題引起激烈爭吵,南北兩方的議員都想把首都設(shè)在本方境內(nèi)。國會最后達成妥協(xié),由總統(tǒng)華盛頓選
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(二十三) 2014-12-25

    美國文學(xué)簡史 美國文學(xué)(American Literature) 美國文學(xué)的歷史不長,它幾乎是和美國自由資本主義同時出現(xiàn),較少受到封建貴族文化的束縛。美國早期人口稀少,有大片未開發(fā)的土地,為個人理想的實現(xiàn)提供了很大的可能性
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(二十五) 2014-12-25

    婆羅門 婆羅門 是指這一時期新英格蘭地區(qū)一批有高度文化教養(yǎng)的作家,或稱 紳士派詩人 。朗費羅、洛威 爾(1819-1891)和霍姆斯(1809-1894)都是知識界的名流。他們出于資產(chǎn)階級民主主義和人道主義,歌頌愛國主義精
  • 閱讀輔導(dǎo):托?荚囬喿x背景知識(二十七) 2014-12-25

    黑人文學(xué) 美國黑人文學(xué)起源于黑人奴隸歌曲,這些歌曲,不論是悲歌還是民歌,傾訴了黑人背井離鄉(xiāng)、淪為奴隸的痛苦心情。書寫文學(xué)最早出現(xiàn)在18世紀,19世紀以后陸續(xù)增多。表現(xiàn)形式先是詩歌,再是小說。作者多數(shù)是已經(jīng)
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十) 2014-12-25

    第二次世界大戰(zhàn)后的美國 第二次世界大戰(zhàn)中,由于擴軍參戰(zhàn),并大量供應(yīng)盟國軍火物資,美國成為盟國的兵工廠,出現(xiàn)了戰(zhàn)時經(jīng)濟繁榮,國家壟斷資本有更大發(fā)展。美國利用參戰(zhàn)的機會,控制了世界許多重要戰(zhàn)略據(jù)點,建立了
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十一) 2014-12-25

    The American Revolution The War of Revolution between America and Britain began in April 1775 in *Lexington, Massachusetts, when soldiers from each side met and somebody fired a shot. It was called t
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十二) 2014-12-25

    The causes of revolution The desire of Americans to be independent from Britain arose out of a long series of disagreements about money and political control. Britain had had colonies (= places taken
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十三) 2014-12-25

    The Revolutionary War The Americans had the advantage of fighting at home, but Britain was a much stronger military power. There were victories and defeats on both sides during the seven years of war
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十四) 2014-12-25

    Modern American attitudes to the Revolution The Revolution is remembered by Americans in many ways. *Freedom, and the right of ordinary people to take part in their own government, the main reasons w
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十五) 2014-12-25

    The Civil War Causes of the war The American Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states from 1861 to 1865. There were two main causes of the war. The first was the issue of *slaver
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十六) 2014-12-25

    Native Americans Native Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached the continent. For a long time white people called them Indians. Today, many people
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十七) 2014-12-25

    Native American languages Before Europeans arrived in North America there were over 300 Native American languages. Some have now died out, and of the 250 or so remaining many are spoken only by a few
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十八) 2014-12-25

    Native Americans in the popular imagination An American tradition dating back to early times is *Thanksgiving. When the English arrived in Jamestown many died during the long cold winter, but in the
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(十九) 2014-12-25

    George Washington (1732-99) The first US *President (1789-97), who had led its army to success in the *American Revolution. He is called the Father of His Country . The *Continental Congress placed
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十) 2014-12-25

    Washington, DC (Washington, District of Columbia) The capital city of the US, whose area covers the *District of Columbia. The place was chosen by George *Washington in 1790, and since 1800 the main
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十一) 2014-12-25

    Jazz Jazz is one of the greatest forms of music originating in the US. The names of its stars, who are mostly *African Americans, are known around the world. Most people have heard of stars like Ella
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十二) 2014-12-25

    美國歷史大事年表 1607.5 英國倫敦公司在弗吉尼亞的詹姆斯敦建立第一個永久居留地。 1620.12.26 英國清教徒移民乘 五月花 號輪漂洋到達普利茅斯,在船上通過了五月花號公約。 1636.10.28 美國第一所大學(xué) 哈佛大學(xué)在
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十三) 2014-12-25

    Maya Culture The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucat n around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day so
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十四) 2014-12-25

    The Maya Calendar: The Maya kept time with a combination of several cycles that meshed together to mark the movement of the sun, moon and Venus. The Maya calendar in its final form probably dates fro
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十五) 2014-12-25

    瑪雅象形文字之謎 任何一個古代文明都有自己的文字體系,文字是文明形成的標志。然而,瑪雅的象形文字對于現(xiàn)代人說來真是一部天書,它的謎底直到今天仍未解開。 20世紀50年代前,有學(xué)者雖然找到了讀懂瑪雅文字的突
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十六) 2014-12-25

    霓虹燈 A neon light is the sort of light you see used in advertising signs. These signs are made of long, narrow glass tubes, and these tubes are often bent into all sorts of shapes. The tube of a ne
  • 托福(toefl)閱讀考試知識(二十七) 2014-12-25

    羊皮書制手抄本 公元100年前后,古希臘人將紙莎草紙裁成單頁,雙面書寫,寫完后粘成類似今書本型。這 種文獻,史稱 手抄本 。手抄本翻閱方便,載文量大,具備了現(xiàn)代書的外型,逐漸成為圖書的標準形式。 公元前800年
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