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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中試卷 > 高一英語練習題 > 平湖中學高一英語08年12月月考試卷


來源:高考網(wǎng) 2009-03-24 16:18:11



  21. Our flight was delayed, ______ meant we had to wait four hours at the airport.

  A. which       B. that       C. when         D. where

  22. This unknown food tastes _______ chocolate.

  A. as well      B. as good as   C. as well as           D. as better as

  23. _____ is known to all that China has the largest population in the world.

  A. As       B. Which      C. It      D. That

  24. The answer ____ the question proved _____ correct.

  A. of; /      B. of; is    C. to; is    D. to; to be

  25. If you don't go, ____________.

  A. neither do I    B. so don't I            C. I don't either   D. neither shall I

  26. Mr. Smith is considering ______ a computer, which is considered ______ a great help in our work and study.

  A. to buy; to be    B. buying; to be   C. to buy; being    D. buying; being

  27. The experiment was _______ easier than we had expected.

  A. more          B. much more         C. much       D. more much

  28. It's the first time that they _____ each other.

  A. have met       B. met     C. had met             D. are meeting

  29. The Education Department announced that all the children should _____school.

  A. join      B. join in       C. take part                D. attend

  30. You should _____ your friends to take care of your pets.

  A. make     B. get       C. let                    D. have

  31. My father served in the army in _______ when he was in _____.

  A. 1950's; twenties            B. 1950's; the twenties

  C. the 1950's; the twenties           D. the 1950s; his twenties

  32. There are six boys and two girls in the classroom; that's eight _______.

  A. at all           B. above all      C. after all        D. in all

  33. I am leaving _______ Shanghai and my plane takes______ at 8:30.

  A. for; off       B. to; for    C. off; away     D. to; off

  34. The prize ______ he worked so hard was a new bike.

  A. that      B. in which    C. for which        D. which

  35. Mother _____ us stories when we were young.

  A. was used to tell   B. is used to tell    C. used to tell   D. used to telling

  36. Never in my life ______ the lesson he gave me.

  A. I will forget    B. will I forget    C. had I forget   D. did I forget

  37. I will play basketball with anybody _____ you.

  A. except          B. except that    C. except for   D. besides

  38. Jane is always dressed in red _____Mary always likes wearing blue clothes.

  A. when                            B. while               C. as                    D. so

  39. She had done all she could _____ the old woman.

  A. to help       B. help       C. helping           D. helped

  40. Chuck is always ________ that he has little time for his friends.

  A. such busy businessman                     B. a very busy businessman
  C. so busy a businessman                    D. too busy a businessman







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