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首頁 > 高考總復(fù)習(xí) > 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)方法 > 09高考英語專項復(fù)習(xí):單項選擇題及詳解<11>(2)


2009-05-26 09:58:24網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源

  11. Greatly moved by what she did,      .

  A. tears came to my eyes

  B. my heart was full of gratefulness

  C. my eyes were filled with tears

  D. I could hardly hold back my tears


  12. He knew the problem was serious and promised to look into it _____ he reached office.

  A. at that moment        B. for that moment

  C. immediately           D. soon

  選C。immediately = as soon as

  13. Shall we       our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please?

  A. break off        B. break down

  C. break into       break out

  選A。break off our discussion意為“打斷討論”,其他三項break down(出故障;打碎),break into(闖入,破門而入),break out (爆發(fā))均與句意不符。

  14. He knows so much about the story. He must have read the book,         ?

  A. mustn’t he       B. doesn’t he

  C. hasn’t he        D. didn’t he

  選C。 “He must have read the book”中must 表示“一定,想必”等推測意義,而不表示“必須、禁止”等意義。“He must have read the book”相當(dāng)于 “I’m sure he has read the book”相一致,即用hasn’t he, 而不用mustn’t he。

  15. As       rule, apples are sold by      weight and eggs by       dozen.

  A. a; 不填;the            B. a; the; the

  C. a; a; the               D. the; 不填;不填

  選A。as a rule(通常地)是固定詞組;在度量名詞前,表示付工資、賣、租等方式時,用the, 如paid by the hour (day, moth, piece…), sold by the yard (dozen, ton…),比較by weight (按重量)。

  16. The mistakes made by Chinese students are quite different from       made by the Japanese students in English study.

  A. That    B. which    C. what    D. those

  選D。those 在此表示the mistakes。

  17. He is       as a leader but he hasn’t      in teaching.

  A. success; many experiences

  B. a success; much experience

  C. great success; an experience

  D. a great success; a lot of experiences

  選B。抽象名詞具體化,表示具有某種特征的人或事物,可用作可數(shù)名詞。如:She is a success in business but a failure in marriage (她在事業(yè)上是個成功者,但在婚姻上是個失敗者);experience作為“經(jīng)驗”解,為不可數(shù)名詞。

  18. I think I was at school,       I was staying with a friend during the vacation when I heard the news.

  A. even so         B. and then

  C. so that         D. or else

  選D。or else 用作連詞,意為“否則;不然”,其余各項與語境相悖。

  19. _____, I think, and the problems could be settled.

  A. If you double your efforts

  B. So long as you keep up your spirits

  C. Making greater efforts

  D. A bit more efforts

  選D。句首省略了make,完整的句型是“祈使句 + and + 陳述句”。

  20. They asked me to have a dinner in an excellent restaurant with the, I said that it was at least five years since I _______ a good meal.

  A. had enjoyed  B. was enjoying  C. enjoyed  D. had been enjoying

  選A。該題考查學(xué)生的目標(biāo)是直接引語變成間接引語。該句的直接引語為It is at least five years since I enjoyed a good meal.因此,It is變It was;since I enjoyed a good meal變成since I had enjoyed a good meal.

[標(biāo)簽:高考 復(fù)習(xí) 英語]






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