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您現在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網 > 高中試卷 > 高二英語練習題 > 2009年牛津版高二英語模塊八第三單元測試題


來源:本站原創(chuàng) 2009-10-07 22:55:44

[標簽:高二 試題 英語]

  Module 8 Unit 4


  一、 單項填空(25題,25分)


  1. Mr Nixon is a strict but kind-hearted teacher, ________ the students respect but are afraid of.

  A. which         B. that         C. for whom        D. one whom

  2. It was after he got what he had desired ______ he realized it was not so important.

  A. that        B. when       C. since       D. as

  3. Poor as she was, Mrs Evens was always ready to __________ those hopeless children.

  A. devoting herself to help             B. devote herself to helping

  C. devote her in helping               D. devote herself to help

  4. To tell you the truth, I think it is you, __________ Bernard, _________ to blame.

  A. more than, who is           B. rather than, that are

  C. other than,  that is          D. less than, which are

  5.____ what the teacher explained, he decided to stay behind to consult with her after school.

  A. He didn't understand            B. Not understood

  C. Not having understood           D. Not being understood

  6. To everyone's surprise the fashionable young lady ______ to be a thief.

  A. proved out        B. made out        C. turned out      D. found out

  7. Americans eat ___________ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

  A. more than twice as many          B. more than twice

  C. twice as many as                 D. as twice as much






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