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首頁 > 本科留學 > 托?谡Z > 2008年6月28日托?谡Z試題及參考答案1


2014-12-25 16:16:27留學網(wǎng)整理



  應該也是一道曾經(jīng)考過的題目 ,只不過當時的題目是Important characteristics in friends.

  I have a friend named Jack and I think he is kind of interesting. First, he is a very easy going man. I think anyone can make friend with him.

  You know, we got to know each other 1 year ago and amazingly we started a friendly conversation very easily, so easily that made people believed that we had known each other for like 10 years. Second, he has got the most wonderful sense of humor. Anyone chatting with him will be really happy. He has some techniques like telling some funny stories, some funny body languageoreven some facial expressions. Finally, he is kind of extraverted man.you will know his mood by his face. No matter whether he is happyorupset, you will tell it through his expressions. Just like last week, he failed the final exam, and he was so sad that he didnt even play basketball, which is his favorite sport.


  Well, to me, a good friend should bear the following good characteristics.

  Firstly, reliable, a friend in need is afriend indeed

  Secondly, a sense of human, happy

  Thirdly, intelligent, inspire goodarguments


  Definitely I need to study in a quiet place. I hold this opinion for the following reasons. first , I simply cant focus my energies in a noisy place. Just like last week, a construction work was going on besides the teaching building. With all that noise, I found that I could never concentrate on my work. Then I went back to my dorm and that is a really good place to study since it is very quiet. Second, sometimes I will read English aloud when I am studying and I really want to hear my voice so that I will whether I got the right pronunciationornot. But in noisy I cant hear it pretty well and I see it as a big problem. Finally, I think I am sort of quiet person. The noise simply will drive me nuts.

  3.literature major大四學生需要一批reserach thesis, 并指定一個advisor

  對話:M同意這個policy,she is for this policy.

  R1。平時的thesis都比較短小,不能學到東西, 現(xiàn)在可以有機會可以搞一個比較大的research



  In this set of materials, the reading passage is and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on this

  According to the reading passage, the notice explains

  for the following reasons:

  First, he thinks/says

  Also,s/ he points out that

[標簽:海外留學 考試 托福]






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