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1995 年12 月 托福聽力文字

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  95 年12 月 托福聽力文字

  Part A

  1. A: It’s a beautiful day today. Want to go roller-skating?

  B: Any other time will be GREat. But today I’m working on a paper.

  What does the woman mean?

  2. A: I though you said you are going to call me last week about that car I’m selling.

  B: Oh, I’m so sorry. It completely slipped my mind.

  What does the man mean?

  3. A: Before we go to the movie theater, I have to stop at the bank and get some money.

  B: Don’t worry about that. This is my treat.

  What does the woman mean?

  4. A: How did you like the concert? I found it really moving.

  B: I love classical music. But that conductor seemed a bit inexperienced.

  What does the man mean?

  5. A: I can’t find Elm Drive anywhere on this map. I don’t think there is any such street.

  B: It’s probably in the new part of town. We’ll have to call for directions.

  What can be inferred from the conversation?

  6. A: You seem cheerful today.

  B: It’s nice to see the sun for a change.

  What does the woman mean?

  7. A: I can’t believe that Prof. Lawrence is going to retire.

  B: He’s still going to lead a graduate seminar on each semester thought.

  What does the man mean?

  8. A: We’re having all kinds of troubles finding a new apartment for next year. What about you?

  B: My roommate and I decided that this year we’d stay put.

  What does the man mean?

  9. A: I fixed the window, painted the bookcase and repaired the desk and chair.

  B: Been busy, haven’t you?

  What does the woman imply about the man?

  10. A: Want to go to the library now, Betty?

  B: How about an hour or so?

  What does Betty mean?

  11. A: Excuse me. Your menu has so many salads. Could you recommend something?

  B: I think you will find that the chef salad is particularly good. The dressing is made with fresh apples.

  What will the man probably do next?

  12. A: If this weather keeps up, I’m going to have to buy a warmer coat.

  B: Sounds like a good idea. Spring is still a long way off, you know.

  What does the man mean?

  13. A: I’m so frustrated. We’re supposed to do our assignments for statistics on the computer. But the ones on the student center are always tied up.

  B: I know what you mean. I’m looking forward to the day when I can afford to get my


  What does the woman mean?

  14. A: Ted, would you be interested in serving on the membership committee this year?

  B: Uhm, can I get back to you on that?

  What will the man probably do?

  15. A: Larry got a very high mark on this lab report.

  B: How he managed that is a mystery to me.

  What does the man imply?

  16. A: I heard you went to Colorado skiing over winter break.

  B: It was the most fun I’ve had in years.

  What does the woman mean?

  17. A: I really thought I’d win the match.

  B: Oh, well, better luck next time, Harry.

  What can be inferred from the conversation?

  18. A: I’m going to the store. Need anything?

  B: Well, I am low on laundry detergent.

  What does the man imply?

  19. A: Have you heard? There is going to be a history exam next Friday.

  B: Just what I need. Another test to study for.

  What does the man imply?

  20. A: Sam’s voice sounds awful. I could barely hear him.

  B: Yes, he’s got a terrible sore throat. The doctor said he shouldn’t even attempt to whisper.

  What does the woman imply about Sam?

  21. A: If I’m not mistaken, your birthday is coming up. Has your brother sent you anything?

  B: Not yet. He never forgets though.

  What does the man imply?

  B: Why worry. We have a vacation coming up soon and you’ll have a lot of time.

  What does the man mean?

  23. A: Everyone’s raving about the new film at the center theater.

  B: Yeah, I hear it’s quite something.

  What is the attitude of the speakers toward the film?

  24. A: I feel so energetic since I started that aerobics class.

  B: Yeah, I am jealous. I’ve got to get into shape.

  What does the man mean?

  25. A: It’s raining again.

  B: This makes it four days in a row. Do you think it’ll ever stop?

  What does the woman mean?

  26. A: I heard Dan twisted his ankle during basketball practice yesterday.

  B: I guess that explains why I saw him at the clinic.

  What can be inferred about Dan?

  27. A: You seem on edge this morning.

  B: I have to give a presentation in class this afternoon.

  What does the man imply?

  28. A: It says here the next train is due in at 6:30.

  B: I know, but I don’t know whether I can make that one. I’d rather call you from the station than have you waiting around for an hour.

  What does the woman imply?

  29. A: I don’t know why we haven’t heard anything from Jane about Sunday.

  B: We’ve been in and out all week. Maybe we should try calling her.

  What does the man imply about Jane?

  30. A: What a gorgeous jacket! It must’ve cost a fortune.

  B: Not at all. It’s a hand-me-down.

  What does the man say about the jacket

  Part B

  Questions 31-34 Listen to a conversation between two students.

  Hey, Sue. I was wondering if you could fill me in on Monday’s class? I had to go the dentist for emergency and I missed Prof. Smith’s lecture. What was it on?

  It was pretty interesting. She talked about volcanoes, active volcanoes, under the-uh-West Antarctic ice sheet.

  There are active volcanoes under the ice?

  Apparently so. She said they help protect the ice sheet and prevent melting.

  Flooding will be pretty bad if that ice melted, not only there, but all over the world.

  You lost me there. Volcanoes are hot. How can something hot prevent ice from melting.

  Wait a minute, let me check my notes. Yeah, here it is. Volcanic heat melts just enough ice to create a slippery surface on the bottom of the glacier. This water allows ice to fellow out into the ocean. So the solid interior ice is protected from the ocean’s warm.

  Does that make sense?

  Sort of. You mean that BECause the ice is flowing out to the ocean, the warmer ocean water can’t flow in.

  Exactly. And the ice that melts is constantly being replaced by snow. Prof. Smith said that if the ice sheet ever broke up and melted, the sea level would go up seven meters. Then we would have those floods.

  Is that really possible? Or is it one of those exaggerations you hear all the time.

  As far as I can understand, it is possible, because of global warming. I mean if the ocean got a lot warmer that interior ice would be very likely to melt.

  Thanks for telling me about the lecture. Sounds like I’ve missed a pretty important class.

  31. Why did the man ask the woman about the lecture?

  32. What was the topic of the professor’s lecture?

  33. What information confused the man?

  34. According to the woman, what protects the interior ice from the warmth of the ocean

  Questions 35-38 Listen to a radio interview about cycling.

  And now here is our guest Jane Thomas to tell us about Montreal’s famous yearly

  island bicycle tour which is coming up in June. Good morning, Jane. What’s the bike

  tour all about?

  Well, Peter, it’s an event that’s opened to anybody who’d like to ride a bicycle through

  the streets of Montreal. The tour covers a standard distance of 65 kilometers. But the

  route’s quite different every year. So even people who’ve already done it might enjoy

  doing it again.

  How long does it take to go the whole distance?

  It varies. Cyclists are free to go as fast or as slow and do as much or as little of the course as they like.

  Well, what’s the typical pace for a participant?

  Between 12 and 30 kilometers per hour. Some cyclists stop along the way and don’t cross the finish line until early evening. But the whole point is that there is no rush. It’s not a race.

  I understand last year’s tour had 45,000 cyclists and it was the largest mass cycling event in the world. How many do you expect this year?

  The same as last year. And since we regularly have so many participants, can I take this opportunity to remind our listeners to sign up early? We filled up quickly last year and we had to refused lots of applications.

  Before we close, any other tips for all prospective cyclists?

  Yes, take water with you. It is available at the relay station. But it helps to have an additional supply. And pack a good lunch with plenty of fruit for energy. Candy and chocolate don’t do the trick.

  35. What is the main subject of the conversation?

  36. According to the woman, what is different every year?

  37. What does the woman imply about the participants?

  38. What does the woman mention is provided at the relay station

  Part C

  Questions 39-42 Listen to talk given by a history professor.

  I’m sure almost everyone of you looked at your watch or at a clock before you came to class today. Watches and clocks seem as much part of our life as breathing or eating. Any yet, do you know that watches and clocks were scarce in the United States until the late 1850s. In the late 1700s people didn’t know the exact time unless they were near a clock. Those delightful clocks in the squares of European towns were built for the public.

  After all, most citizens simply couldn’t afford a personal timepiece. Well, until the 1800s, in Europe and the United States, the main purpose of a watch, which by the way was off and on a gold chain, was to show others how wealthy you were. The word “wrist watch” didn’t even enter the English language until nearly 1900. By then, the rapid pace of industrialization in the United States meant that measuring time had become essential. How could the factory worker get to work on time, unless he or she knew exactly what time it was. Since efficiency was now measured by how fast the job was done, everyone was interested in time. And since industrialization made possible the manufacture of large quantities of goods, watches became fairly inexpensive. Furthermore, electric lights kept factories going around the clock. Being “on time” had entered the language and life of every citizen.

  39. What does the professor mainly discuss?

  40. What was true of watches before the 1850s?

  41. According to the speaker, why did some people wear watches in the 1800s?

  42. What effect did industrialization have on watch making

  Questions 43-46 Listen to a guide in an aquarium.

  This room is devoted to electric fish. The eel in the tank behind me can produce a strong jolt of electricity to stun its prey. But most of the fish in here produce only weak electrical impulses that are useful for navigating, locating food and even for communicating.

  The knife fish is a good example. This fish navigates using tiny receptors in the skin that are sensitive to electrical impulses. The knife fish produces an electrical signal and the receptors in its skin let it know when the signal is distorted by a tree root or other obstacle, so it can go around it.

  Fish also use the ability to produce and detective electrical impulses to communicate.

  They can tell each other what species they belong to, how big they are and whether they are male or female. We had a tank here that’s specially equipped to convert the inaudible signals that fish produce into sounds you can hear when you put on these headphones. I urge you all to listen in when I’m done speaking.

  Now have a look at the electric rays. Rays are specially interesting to medical researchers because of the organs they use to produce electricity. These organs contain a chemical that carries signals from one nerve ending to the next, not only in rays but also in people. By studying these organs, scientists hope to learn more about diseases that interrupt the transmission of impulses from one nerve to another.

  43. What is the talk main about?

  44. What does the knife fish use electricity for?

  45. Why does the speaker suggest putting on headphones?

  46. According to the speaker, what medical benefits might result from studying electrical


  Questions 47-50 Listen to a lecture given in a dance history class.

  So why did what is now called “modern dance” begin in the United States? To begin to answer this question I’ll need to back track a little bit and talk about classical ballet.

  By the late 1800s, ballet had lost a lot of its popularity. Most of the ballet dancers who performed in the United States were brought over from Europe. They performed using the rigid techniques that had been passed down through the centuries. Audiences and dancers in the United States were eager for their own contemporary dance form. And so around 1900, dancers created one. So how was this modern dance so different from classical ballet?

  Almost notably, it wasn’t carefully choreographed. In stead, the dance depended on the improvisation and free personal expression of the dancers. Music and scenery were of little importance to the modern dance. And lightness of movement wasn’t important either. In fact, modern dancers make no attempt at all to conceal the effort involved in the dance step.

  But even if improvisation appealed to audiences, many dance critics were lest enthusiastic about the performances. They questioned the artistic integrity of dancers who were not professionally trained and the artistic value of works that had no formal structure. Loi Fore, after performing fire dance, was described as doing little more than turning round and round like an eggbeater. Yet the free personal expression of the pioneer dancers is the basis of the controlled freedom of modern dance today.

  47. What does the speaker mainly discuss?

  48. Why were ballet performances unpopular in the United Stated in the early 1900s?

  49. What is the distinguishing feature of modern dance performances?

  50. Why were early modern dancers criticized by dance critics

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