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高三英語教案:《Learning a foreign language》教學(xué)設(shè)計

來源:精品學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng) 2018-11-13 17:19:35

  一、教學(xué)說明 (Teaching Remarks):



  二、教學(xué)目標(biāo)(Teaching Aims):

  知識目標(biāo):通過閱讀 Reading這篇文章,學(xué)習(xí)文中的一些有用的詞語和句型擴(kuò)大學(xué)生的詞匯量,提高語言運用能力。

  能力目標(biāo):1. 采用不同的閱讀方法理解課文,提高學(xué)生的閱讀能力。

  2. 學(xué)習(xí)文中成功的語言學(xué)習(xí)者的優(yōu)秀品質(zhì),并鼓勵學(xué)生將其運用到實踐當(dāng)中,以便提高自己的英語學(xué)習(xí)能力。

  德育目標(biāo): 教導(dǎo)學(xué)生:好的學(xué)習(xí)方法固然重要,但勤勉更重要。“no pains, no gains.”

  三、教學(xué)重點(Teaching Key Points):

  1.采用不同的閱讀技巧,讓學(xué)生了解文章大意,并歸納每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text)。


  四、教學(xué)難點(Teaching Difficult Points):


  五、教學(xué)方法(Teaching Methods):

  1. Ask and answer 和 pictures 相結(jié)合,導(dǎo)入課文。

  2. Fast reading 歸納每段文章的中心意思(main idea)和文章的主旨(purpose of the text), 提高學(xué)生的閱讀能力。

  3. Careful reading 回答問題,了解文章細(xì)節(jié)內(nèi)容。

  4. Group work 討論成功語言學(xué)習(xí)者的經(jīng)驗和特點。

  5. Explaining and learning 掌握文中重點詞匯、句型。

  六、教學(xué)輔助(Teaching Aids):

  Multi-media Computer,tape


  首先利用課文標(biāo)題 “Learning a Foreign Language: Twice as Hard?” 問學(xué)生 “How do you think of this question?” 讓學(xué)生討論導(dǎo)入。然后利用圖片與Pre-reading部分的問題相結(jié)合的方式,展開討論與問答,啟發(fā)學(xué)生思考,引起聯(lián)想,使學(xué)生對語言學(xué)習(xí)這個問題產(chǎn)生更濃的興趣,以促使他們學(xué)習(xí)方式的優(yōu)化,提高其自主學(xué)習(xí)的能力。由于Pre-reading部分內(nèi)容都在 “Reading”部分要進(jìn)一步闡明,這就讓學(xué)生先行考慮, 做好了準(zhǔn)備,使他們提高閱讀的自主性。


  Question1. How do we learn our mother tongue? 配以 “中國孩子認(rèn)漢字、學(xué)古詩”和“外國孩子學(xué)母語,”的圖片,學(xué)生根據(jù)圖片和自身的經(jīng)歷便可輕而易舉地回答此問題。

  Question2. What are the difficulties we must face in learning English?

  Question3. How is learning a foreign language different from learning our mother tongue? 配以孩子們圍繞著電視看卡通米老鼠學(xué)英語的圖片。讓學(xué)生感受到我們從小是如何學(xué)英語的以及學(xué)英語和學(xué)母語 的區(qū)別。

  Question4. What are the characteristics of successful language learners?

  Question5. How can we develop our confidence?

  Question6. What can we do to learn better and faster?


  有了以上的準(zhǔn)備工作,讓學(xué)生進(jìn)入Reading 快讀。首句閱讀并skim the whole text,找出每段的大意,呈現(xiàn)于屏幕上,檢查學(xué)生閱讀的效果,把握學(xué)生對文章的總體理解程度。


  Question1. How do we acquire our mother tongue? (paragraph1)

  Question2. How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue? ( paragraph2)

  Question3. At what age have most children mastered their mother tongue? (paragraph2)

  Question4. How is learning a foreign language different from learning one’s mother tongue? (paragraph3)

  Question5. In the writer’s opinion, which is faster learning mother tongue and learning foreign language? (paragraph3)

  Question6. Why are some people better at learning foreign language than others? (paragraph4)

  Question7. Why are successful language students able to gain confidence and to relax and enjoy learning? (paragraph5)

  Question8. In which areas are the successful language learners better? (paragraph5)

  Question9. How can the learners make their language acquisition better? (paragraph5)

  Question10. How can we become successful language learners? (paragraph 6)





  Teaching Plan

  (Pre-reading and Reading Unit 8 Senior 3)

 、.Teaching Aims

  1.Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

  2.Develop the Ss’learning language ability.

  3、Learn some useful expressions and sentences

  4、“No pains,no gains.” Diligence is the key to success.

 、.Teaching Key Points

  1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability. Sum up the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the text.

  2.Learn some useful expressions and sentences

  Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

  1. How do the students use the characteristics of the successful learners to improve their English study?

 、. Teaching Methods

  1. Ask and answer

  2. Fast and careful reading

  3. Group work

  4.  Explaining and learning

  Ⅴ. Teaching Aids

  Multi-media Computer, tape

 、. Teaching Procedures

  Step1. Greeting.

  The teacher and the students greet each other.

  Step2. Lead-in.

  Step3. Fast-reading to find out the main idea of each paragraph and the purpose of the author.

  Step4. Careful reading to answer some questions.

  Step5. Explain and memorise the useful expressions and sentences.

  Step6. Listen to the tape and then read the text aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  Step7. Test

  Step8. Summary

  1. the characteristics of the good language learners.

  2.the useful expressions and sentences

  Step8. The design of the writing on the blackboard

  Useful expressions:

  1.communicate with sb./sth.

  2.make sense of

  3.be equipped with

  4.adjust oneself to sth. / adapt to sth.

  5.regardless of

  6.take chances / a chance

  7.take risks / a risk

  8.experiment with sth.

  9.contribute to sth ./ doing sth.


  Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.(原文)

  部分否定句的構(gòu)成:not all / both / every---- =all / both / every----not----

  eg.  All the answers are not right. = Not all the answers are right.

  Both of the books are not useful. = Not both of the books are useful.

  Not every student wants to take part in the game. = Every student doesn’t want to take part in the game.

  Step9. Extra work

  Retell the text according to the main idea of each paragraph.

  Step10. Record after teaching






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