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高一英語教案:《Fine Arts》教學設計(3)

來源:網(wǎng)絡整理 2018-11-26 16:17:19

  Step 4. Homework

  1. Review the words we have learnt in this period.

  2. Preview Vocabulary and reading in the unit.

  3. Ask Ss to prepare a picture they like or dislike most.

  Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary, Speaking

  Teaching Goals:

  1. To let Ss master how to read a passage;

  2. To let Ss master some words and phrases;

  3. To get Ss to talk something about some world-class artists and their styles;

  4. To help Ss to express their opinions about the world famous artists and their painting.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1. Vocabulary Study

  Purpose: To learn the new words.

  Match these words and phrases with the definitions in Activity 1on P32.

  (1) style (2) observe (3) movement (4) imitate (5) alive (6) ordinary (7) aspect

  (8) reality

  Step 2. Reading

  Purpose: To improve Ss’ reading skills.

  1. Pre-reading

  (1) Show some pictures and let Ss express their opinions about them.

  Who drew these pictures?

  Which one do you prefer?

  What do you think about it?

  (Allow the Ss to talk within two or three minutes.)

  (2) Listen to the tape and ask Ss to try to answer the following questions the general information about the passage

 、 How many artists does the passage mention?

 、 Who are they? What are their nationalities?

  Suggested Answers:

 、 Four.


  Name Nationality

  Pablo Picasso Spanish

  Roy Lichtenstein American

  Qi Baishi Chinese

  Xu Beihong Chinese





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