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高一英語教案:《English around the world》教案四

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2019-09-04 19:52:16

高一英語教案:《English around the world》教案四

  Reading: The Road to Modem English

  Words and Expressions

  Learning Aims:



  Important Points

  because of, come up, at present, be based on, make use of, latter, such as,

  Difficult Points

  more than, come up, be based on, latter, such as

  Teaching Method


  Learning Procedures學(xué)習(xí)過程

  Stcp1.Revision                                                    Notes

  Words Dictation

  1.__________2._________3. _________

  4. __________5. _________6. _________

  StepⅡ. Leading-in

  We have known the development of modern English. Today, let's study some useful and important language points.

  StepⅢ. Language Points

  1. Later in the next century, people from England made voyage to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English begun to be spoken in many other countries.

  【知識點(diǎn)1】because of(WB Page29) Yes【】

  辨析because與because of的用法

  He was late because of the heavy rain.

  He was late because it rained.

  He walked slowly because of his bad leg.

  I didn't go to the party because hadn't finished my homework.

  歸納:1)because of是連詞短語,后接____________________


  即學(xué)即練:用because 或 because of填空

  1)We sent him to hospital immediately(立刻,馬上)he was badly hurt.

  2)He had to delaying(推遲)going w Beijing his illness.

  2. I'd like to come up to your apartment.

  【知識點(diǎn)2】come up為不及物動(dòng)詞短語,意為“走近,上前,(太陽、月亮等)升起,被提及”。

  1) She carne up and said, “Glad to meet you.”

  I came up to Beijing in2008.

  The policeman cane up to us and asked me what had happened.


  2) The sun has come up.


  3) Many problems have come up at the meeting.


  辨析1)The idea came up in their conversation.

  2) The subject came up during the dinner.

  3) I hope a better plan can come up at the meeting.

  come up表示“”,不及物,無被語態(tài),主語為物,如plan,suggestion, idea等。

  1) They came up with the idea in their conversation.

  2) I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.

  come up with表示“_________”,及物動(dòng)詞詞組,主語為人。


  (1)用come up或come up with的適當(dāng)形式填空。

  a. A difficult question the meeting last night.

  b. When the question was under discussion, Tom__________ an idea that the prices of cars should be reduced.


  A better idea has been come up in our class.





  come back 回來come out出來,出版

  come from來自come across 偶然遇見

  即學(xué)即練:用come back, come out,come from和come across填空。

  (1)Amy is my friend and she America.

  (2)His first book in 1997 and was a great success.

  (3)It was based more on German than the English we speak at present


  1)We camped(安營扎寨)at the base of the mountain.

  Chinese is the base of all other subjects.


  2) He based the book on his own life.

  This sung is based on an old folk tune(民歌曲調(diào)).



  (1)My decision ______________on a series of facts.

  (2)That company has offices all over the world, but the is in London.

  【知識點(diǎn)4】at present

  1) The old man is all right at present.

  At present意為“___________________”

  2) I fell good at present.


  1) Every body was present.

  The present situation in African countries is terrible, so you'd better bot go there.


  2) She thanked me for the present.

  This is your present. Happy birthday!


  3) This is what I present you in the article.

  He presented some pictures to me.



  (1)客人都到齊了。The guests are all____________________.

  (2)那是件來自湯姆的禮物。It was the wedding___________ from Tom.

  (3)我現(xiàn)在不需要這本字典。I don't need the dictionary_________________.

  4. So by the 1600's Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.

  【知識點(diǎn)5】make use of

  Teachers should teach students to make use of referee book.


  They began to consider(考慮)how to make use of these book.


  make good use of 好好利用make full use of 充分利用

  make the best of/make the most of 充分利用


  (1)We should(充分利用)every minutes o study all the subjects.

  (2)It is very important for you w(好好利用)your time now.

  Step V. Practice


  come up, because of, be based on, make use of, at present

  1) He realized that she was crying_______________ wt he had said.

  2) While we were talking ,the young man__________ a better idea.

  3) We should train(訓(xùn)練)them to _______________ reference book.

  4) No one can help us with our work____________________.

  5) This song ____________an old love story.


  As we all know, English is widely used all over the world. It is the official language of many countries __________(比如說)USA, British, an, etc.________(由于)voyages of England in the 17"century,LEnglishbegan to be spoken in many countries. English has changed over time from AD 450 to 1150 when cultures meet and communicate each other. Then, Shakespeare was able to_________(使用)a wider vocabulary than before. In the 19 century two big changes in English spelling happened._______(現(xiàn)在),a number of people learn English in China.______(實(shí)際上),China may have the largest number of English learners. I’m sure that you can become fluent English speakers if you can work hard.

  StepⅥ. Homework

  Review what we have learned today.

  English the practice paper.

  Preview the reading text of page 1.3.










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