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首頁 > 高中頻道 > 高一英語學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 2011暑假必備寶典之高一英語知識(shí)點(diǎn)總結(jié)Unit5-6(10)


2011-07-11 17:04:13高考網(wǎng)整合

  7. call for, call on, call up

    (1) call for

    ① 來找(某人);來取(某物) I'll call for you at your house.

    ②要求;需要Success in school calls for much hard work.

    (2) call on

    ① call on / upon sb. 拜訪;去會(huì)(某人) I hope to call on you at your office at 3 o’clock today.

    ② call on / upon sb. to do sth. 請(qǐng)/叫某人做某事He called upon me to speak immediately.

    ③ 號(hào)召;呼吁;要求 The President called on his people to serve the country.

    (3) call up

    ① 給……打電話 (英 ring up) I tried to call you up last night, but no one answered the phone.

    ② 征召入役;調(diào)用 (后備部隊(duì)) Three boys in our street were called up last week.

  8. too much, much too

    (1) too much “太多”之意,可以作形容詞,修飾不可數(shù)  名詞,也可作副詞,修飾動(dòng)詞。 There is too much rain here in spring. / She talked too much at the meeting.

    (2) much too “簡直太,過于”,只能作副詞,用來修飾  形容詞或別的副詞,不能修飾動(dòng)詞。This book is much too difficult for me. / The old man walks much too slowly.

  9. custom, habit

    (1) custom 指傳統(tǒng)風(fēng)俗、習(xí)俗,也可指生活習(xí)慣,后接不定式。They broke some of the old customs. / It is the custom in China to eat dumplings during the spring Festival.

    (2) habit 指個(gè)人生活習(xí)慣。“(有)養(yǎng)成……習(xí)慣”常

    用be in / fall into / get into / form / have the habit of doing sth. 句型;“戒掉……習(xí)慣”常用 give up / kick / break away from / get out of the habit of doing sth. 句型。It's easy to get into a bad habit but its hard to give it up. / The drug easily get one into the habit of smoking.

  10. arise, rise, raise

    raise vt.“使……上升;升起;提高”等;

  rise vi.“上升;升起”;

  arise vi.“站起來(stand up)”,“起床(get up)”,rise和arise用作站起,起床都屬正式用法;arise主要表示“出現(xiàn)、發(fā)生”等意思。She raised her voice in anger. (抬高) The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground. (刮起) The child rose from the ground and ran to his mother. (=The child raised himself from the ground and ran to his mother.) (爬起) She rises before it is light. (起床) Difficulties will arise as we do the work. (出現(xiàn))


  1. can't help doing sth. 禁不住做某事,不由得不做某事

    She couldn't hep smiling.


    (1) can't help but do 不得不……;不能不 When the streets are full of melting snow, you can't help but get your shoes wet.

    (2) cannot but 不能不,只能He could not but feel disappointed.


  (1) help (sb.) (to) do sth. Help me get him back to bed at once. / By helping them we are helping save ourselves.

  (2) help...with sth. 幫助……做某事 In those days he used to help her mother with her gardening.

    (3) help oneself / sb. to sth. 給自己 / 別人夾菜 / 拿煙

    等;擅自拿用 May I help you to some more vegetables?

    (4) help...in sth. 在……方面幫助某人 She offered to help Rose in the housekeeping when I am not here.

    (5) help out 幫忙 (做事;克服困難等) I've often helped Bob out when he's been a bit short of money.

[標(biāo)簽:高一 英語]






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