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首頁 > 高中頻道 > 高一英語學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 2011暑假必備寶典之高一英語知識點(diǎn)總結(jié)Unit5-6(16)


2011-07-11 17:04:13高考網(wǎng)整合


  1. -- Thank you ever so much for your help. -- ____.

  A. Glad to hear that      B. Not worth thanking

  C. Think nothing of it    D. You're too polite

  2. -- How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane?

  -- ____.

  A. Oh, wonderful, indeed  B. By taking a No. 3 bus

  C. I went there alone

  D. A classmate of mine showed me the way

  3. -- ____ the articles of Times?  -- I'm not sure. I glanced through them but I haven't formed an opinion yet.

  A. How do you think of    B. What did you like

  C. How did you like       D. What do you think of

  4. -- Thank you very much for the meal. -- Not at all. ____.

  A. I'm very glad to hear that B. I'm glad you could come

  C. Make yourself at home  D. With pleasure


  1. Generally speaking, ____ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. (2003年上海)

  A. when taking    B. when taken

  C. when to take    D. when to be taken

  【解析】選B take和drug是動賓關(guān)系,要用過去分詞作狀語?煽醋魇莣hen it is taken的省略。

  2. Unless ____ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference. (2003年春季上海)

  A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited

  【解析】選A you與invite是動賓關(guān)系,要用過去分


  3. The research is so designed that once ____ nothing can be done to change it. (NMET 2002)

  A. begins            B. having begun

  C. beginning          D. begun

  【解析】選D once begun 在句中作狀語;once這里是連詞,“一旦”。

  4. ____ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. (2004年 湖北)

  A. Compare           B. When comparing

  C. Comparing         D. When compared

  【解析】選D  相當(dāng)于when it is compared。

  5. ____ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. (2004年 上海)

  A. Not only they brought   B. Not only did they bring

  C. Not only brought they    D. Not only they did bring

  【解析】選B not only...but also引導(dǎo)的并列句;以not only開頭的句子要部分倒裝。

  6. ____, he used to helped his father on the farm.

  A. When was a boy     B. As he was a boy

  C. As a boy           D. During a boy

  【解析】選C   as在這里是連詞;as a boy = when (he was) a boy。

[標(biāo)簽:高一 英語]






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