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2018-12-13 15:59:13學(xué)科網(wǎng)

cab [kæb] n. (美)出租車

cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] n. 卷心菜, 洋白菜

café [ˈkæfeɪ; (US) kæˈfeɪ] n. 咖啡館; 餐館

cafeteria [kæfɪˈtɪərɪə] n. 自助餐廳

cage [keɪdʒ] n 籠;鳥籠

calculate [ˈkælkjʊleɪt] v. 計(jì)算, 核算, 推測(cè)

It has been calculated that …

It has been calculated that at least 47000 jobs were lost last year.

(be) calculated to do sth.

The speech was calculated to win votes.

cake [keɪk] n. 蛋糕, 糕點(diǎn);餅

call [kɔːl] n. 喊, 叫;電話, 通話 v. 稱呼;呼喚;喊, 叫

a girl called Mary

a girl calling herself Mary

call on sb. 拜訪某人

call at sp. 參觀某地

call for 要求;需要

calm [kɑːm; (US) kɑːlm] a. 鎮(zhèn)靜,沉著的 v.鎮(zhèn)靜沉著

keep calm 保持冷靜

calm down 鎮(zhèn)定下來(lái)

camel [ˈkæm(ə)l] n. 駱駝

camera [ˈkæmərə] n. 照相機(jī);攝像機(jī)

camp [kæmp] n.(夏令)營(yíng) vi.野營(yíng),宿營(yíng)

summer camp 夏令營(yíng)

go camping 去野營(yíng)

campaign [kæmˈpeɪn] n. 運(yùn)動(dòng), 戰(zhàn)役

can (could) can't = can not modal [ken, kæn] v. 可能;能夠;可以 不能 n.(美)罐頭;罐子

can’t help doing = can’t help but do 禁不住

can not…too… = can never…too…


You can never be too careful when crossing the street.

a garbage can [ˈɡɑːbɪdʒ](美)垃圾桶

a can opener [ˈəʊpənə(r)] 開罐器

Canada [ˈkænədə] * n. 加拿大

Canadian [kəˈneɪdɪən] a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人

canal [kəˈnæl] n. 運(yùn)河;水道

cancel [ˈkæns(ə)l] vt. 取消

cance [ˈkænsə(r)]r n. 癌

candidate [ˈkændɪdət; (US) ˈkændɪdeɪt] n. 候選人, 申請(qǐng)人

candle [ˈkænd(ə)l] n. 蠟燭

candy [ˈkændɪ] n. 糖果

canteen [kænˈtiːn] n. 餐廳;食堂

cap [kæp] n. (無(wú)檐的或僅在前面有檐的)帽子;(瓶子的)蓋;(鋼筆等的)筆套

capital [ˈkæpɪt(ə)l] n.首都.省會(huì).大寫;資本

capsule [ˈkæpsjuːl; (US) ˈkæpsl] n. (藥)膠囊

captain [ˈkæptɪn] n. (海軍)上校;船長(zhǎng), 艦長(zhǎng);隊(duì)長(zhǎng)

caption [ˈkæpʃ(ə)n] n. (圖片, 漫畫等的)說(shuō)明文字

car [kɑː(r)] n. 汽車, 小臥車

carbon [ˈkɑːbən] n. 碳

card [kɑːd] n.卡片;名片;紙牌

card games [kɑːd ɡeɪm] 紙牌游戲

care [keə(r)] n. 照料, 保護(hù);小心v. 介意……, 在乎;關(guān)心

take care of 照顧、保管

take care (that)… 當(dāng)心......

I don’t care. 我不在乎/我不放在心上。

care for 喜歡;照顧

care about 關(guān)心;在乎

careful [ˈkeəfʊl] a. 小心, 仔細(xì), 謹(jǐn)慎的

be careful of… 當(dāng)心,小心

carefully listen carefully

careless [ˈkeəlɪs] a. 粗心的, 漫不經(jīng)心的

carpenter [ˈkɑːpɪntə(r)] n. 木工, 木匠

carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt] n. 地毯

carriage [ˈkærɪdʒ] n. 四輪馬車;(火車)客車廂

carrier [ˈkærɪə(r)] n. 搬運(yùn)者;媒介;(自行車等的)置物架;(車的)貨架

carrot [ˈkærət] n.胡蘿卜

carry [ˈkærɪ] vt. 拿, 搬, 帶, 提, 抬, 背, 抱, 運(yùn)等

carry on 繼續(xù),進(jìn)行

carry out 實(shí)施,執(zhí)行

cartoon [kɑːˈtuːn] n. 動(dòng)畫片, 卡通;漫畫

carve [kɑːv] vt.刻;雕刻

case [keɪs] n. 情況;病例;案件;真相 n. 箱;盒;容器

in case +句子/in case of +名詞 萬(wàn)一

in this/that case 如果這樣/那樣的話

in no case 絕不

as is often the case 事實(shí)往往如此

As is often the case, women live longer than man.

There are some cases where this method won’t work.

cash [kæʃ] n. 現(xiàn)金, 現(xiàn)鈔 v. 兌現(xiàn)

pay in cash /by check 用現(xiàn)金支付

cash a check 兌現(xiàn)支票

cash in on…從...獲得利潤(rùn)

The shop are cashing in on temporary shortage by raising prices.

cassettle [kæ'set] n. 磁帶

cast (cast, cast) [kɑːst; (US) kæst] v. 扔, 拋, 撒

cast your net wide

castle [ˈkɑːs(ə)l; (US) ˈkæsl] n. 城堡

casual [ˈkæʒʊəl] a. 漫不經(jīng)心的, 不經(jīng)意的, 非正式的

cat [kæt] n. 貓 ?

catalogue ['kætəlɔg] n. 目錄

catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfɪ] n. 災(zāi)難, 災(zāi)禍, 不幸事件

catch(caught,caught) [kætʃ]?v. 接住;捉;趕上;染上(疾。

catch up with 趕上

catch sight of 看見

catch sb. doing 撞見/捉住某人做某事

catch one’s eye= attract one’s attention 引起某人注意

category [ˈkætɪɡərɪ] n. 類別, 種類

cater [ˈkeɪtə(r)] v. 提供飲食, 承辦酒席

cater for sth/sb 為......提供所需

The class caters for all ability ranges.

catholic [ˈkæθəlɪk] a. 天主教的

cathedral [kəˈθiːdr(ə)l] n. 大教堂(天主教)

cattle [ˈkæt(ə)l] n. 牛(總稱), 家畜

The cattle are in the shed. 牛在牛棚里。

cause [kɔːz] n. 原因, 起因 vt. 促使, 引起, 使發(fā)生

cause and effect 因果

the cause of fire/cancer 火災(zāi)/癌癥的起因

caution [ˈkɔːʃ(ə)n] n. 謹(jǐn)慎, 小心, 警告

be cautious of/ about...

caution n. 謹(jǐn)慎 小心

with caution 小心地

caution sb. to do caution sb. against... 警告某人警惕

We were cautioned not to drive too fast.

cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs] a. 小心的, 謹(jǐn)慎的

cave [keɪv] n. 洞, 穴;地窖

CD [ˌsi:'di:] 光盤 (compact disk的縮寫)

CD?ROM [ˌsi:'di: -rɔm,rəʊm] 信息儲(chǔ)存光盤(compact disk read?only memory的縮寫)

ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] n. 天花板, 頂棚

celebrate [ˈselɪbreɪt] v. 慶祝

celebrate one’s birthday

celebrate Christmas

celebration [selɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n] n. 慶祝;慶祝會(huì)

cell [sel] n.(監(jiān)獄的)單人牢房;(修道院等的)單人小室;(蜂巢的)小蜂窩, 蜂房;[生物] 細(xì)胞

cellar [ˈselə(r)] n. 地窖;地下儲(chǔ)藏室

cent [sent] n. 美分(100 cents = 1 dollar)

centigrade [ˈsentɪɡreɪd] a. 攝氏的

centimetre ['sentiˌmi:tə(r)] (美 centimeter) n. 公分, 厘米

central [ˈsentr(ə)l] a. 中心, 中央;主要的

central bank/government

centre n./v.中心;以......為中心

in the centre of the room

centre on /upon/ round /around…把…當(dāng)中心;使…成為中心

centre (美 center ) n. 中心, 中央

century [ˈsentʃərɪ] n. 世紀(jì), 百年

ceremony [ˈserɪmənɪ] n. 典禮, 儀式, 禮節(jié)

attend a wedding ceremony

stand on ceremony 拘于禮節(jié)

without ceremony 粗魯無(wú)禮,不拘禮節(jié)

certain [ˈsɜːt(ə)n] a. (未指明真實(shí)名稱的)某…;確定的, 無(wú)疑的;一定會(huì)…

certainly [ˈsɜːtənlɪ] ad. 當(dāng)然;一定, 無(wú)疑

be certain of= be sure of 對(duì)…確信的

be certain to do =be sure to do 一定會(huì)、必然

make sure/certain of… 保證、弄清楚

It is certain that…

certificate [səˈtɪfɪkət] n. 證明, 證明書

chain [tʃeɪn] n. 鏈; 鏈條

chain store(s) [tʃeɪn stɔː(r)] 連鎖店

chair [tʃeə(r)] n. 椅子

chairman [ˈtʃeəmən] (pl. chairmen) n. 主席, 會(huì)長(zhǎng);議長(zhǎng)

chairwoman (pl. chairwomen) ['tʃɛəˌwumən] n. 女主席, 女會(huì)長(zhǎng);女議長(zhǎng)

chalk [tʃɔːk] n. 粉筆

challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ] n.挑戰(zhàn)(性)

face/take up a challenge 面對(duì)/接收挑戰(zhàn)

challenging adj.具有挑戰(zhàn)性的

a challenging job

challenging [ˈtʃælɪndʒɪŋ] a.具有挑戰(zhàn)性的

champion [ˈtʃæmpɪən] n. 冠軍, 優(yōu)勝者

chance [tʃɑːns; (US) tʃæns] n. 機(jī)會(huì), 可能性

give sb. a chance 給…一次機(jī)會(huì);

take a chance/chances 冒險(xiǎn);碰運(yùn)氣

by chance/accident 偶然;

There is a/no chance that… 有可能/不可能…

changeable [ˈtʃeɪndʒəb(ə)l] a.易變的, 變化無(wú)常的

change [tʃeɪndʒ] n. 零錢;找頭v. 改變, 變化;更換;兌換

change…into… 把……變成......

change one’s mind 改變主意

Great changes have taken place in China.

There is no time to get changed before the party.

Do you have any change on/with you ?

channel [ˈtʃæn(ə)l] n.頻道;通道;水渠

chant [tʃɑːnt] v./ n.反復(fù)呼喊

chaos [ˈkeɪɔs] n. 混亂, 雜亂, 紊亂

character [ˈkærɪktə(r)] n.(漢)字.字體;品格

characteristic [kærɪktəˈrɪstɪk] a. 典型的, 獨(dú)特的

a key characteristic of…

charge [tʃɑːdʒ] v. 要求收費(fèi);索價(jià);將(電池)充電 n. 費(fèi)用;價(jià)錢

charge…for… 收/要價(jià)多少

charge sb. with sth/doing 指控某人做了

get the phone charged 手機(jī)被充電

The soldiers were charging forward bravely.


charge n.費(fèi)用;掌管,負(fù)責(zé);電荷

take charge of 負(fù)責(zé)......

in charge of 負(fù)責(zé)......

in the charge of 被/由...… 負(fù)責(zé)

free of charge 免費(fèi)

chapter [ˈtʃæptə(r)] n. 章

chart [tʃɑːt] n. 圖表;航海圖

chat [tʃæt] ?n. & vi. 聊天, 閑談


have a chat with sb. 與某人聊天

chat room 聊天室

cheap [tʃiːp] a. 便宜的, 賤

cheat [tʃiːt] n. & v. 騙取, 哄騙;作弊

check [tʃek] n. 檢查;批改 vt. 校對(duì), 核對(duì); 檢查;批改

by check 用支票支付

辨析: check/examine

check 指核對(duì)某事物是否正確,

examine 表檢查、調(diào)查、審查等

check the answers

check the mailbox 核實(shí)郵箱(看有沒(méi)有信)

examine your body/eyes

examine the machine

cheek [tʃiːk] n. 面頰, 臉蛋

cheer [tʃɪə(r)] n. & vi.歡呼; 喝彩

A great cheer went up from the crowd.

cheer sb on 為某人加油

cheer up 振作起來(lái);高興起來(lái)

Cheers ! 舉杯

Cheer up [tʃɪə(r)-ʌp] 振作起來(lái)!提起精神!

cheerful [ˈtʃɪəfʊl] a.興高采烈的, 快活的

a cheerful smile

cheers [tʃɪə(r)] int. 干杯, (口)謝謝, 再見

cheese [tʃiːz] n. 奶酪

chef [ʃef] n. 廚師長(zhǎng), 主廚

chemical [ˈkemɪk(ə)l] a. 化學(xué)的 n. 化學(xué)品

chemist [ˈkemɪst] n. 藥劑師;化學(xué)家

chemistry [ˈkemɪstrɪ] n. 化學(xué)

cheque [tʃek] (美check) n. 支票

in cash 付現(xiàn)金

by check/cheque 用支票支付

chess [tʃes] n. 棋

chest [tʃest] n. 箱子;盒子;胸部

chew [tʃuː] vt. 咀嚼

chick [tʃɪk] n. 小雞

chicken [ˈtʃɪkən] n. 雞;雞肉

Would you like some chicken?


Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.


chief [tʃiːf] a. 主要,首要的 n.領(lǐng)導(dǎo), 頭

child (復(fù)children) [tʃaɪld] n. 孩子, 兒童

childhood [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] n. 幼年時(shí)代, 童年

chimney [ˈtʃɪmnɪ] n. 煙囪, 煙筒

China [ˈtʃaɪnə] * n. 中國(guó)

Chinese [tʃaɪˈniːz] a.中國(guó)的;中國(guó)人的;中國(guó)話的, 漢語(yǔ)的 n.中國(guó)人;中國(guó)話, 漢語(yǔ), 中文

chips [tʃɪp] n. (pl.)炸土豆條(片)

chocolate [ˈtʃɔklət] n. 巧克力

choice [tʃɔɪs] n. 選擇;抉擇

choose v.選擇 choose—chose—chosen

make a choice /make choices 做選擇

have no choice but to do 除了…別無(wú)選擇

We chose Bill as chairman.

There are a lot of books to choose from.

choir [ˈkwaɪə(r)] n. 合唱團(tuán), 教堂的唱詩(shī)班

choke [tʃəʊk] n. & v. 窒息

choose (chose, chosen) [tʃuːz] vt. 選擇

chopsticks [ˈtʃɔpstɪks] n. 筷子

chorus [ˈkɔːrəs] n. 合唱曲, 歌詠隊(duì)

Christian [ˈkrɪstɪən] n. 基督教徒和天主教徒的總稱

Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs] n. 圣誕節(jié)(12月25日)

Merry Christmas!

on Christmas Eve 在平安夜

at Christmas 圣誕節(jié)期間

on Christmas 在圣誕節(jié)這天

Christmas card [ˈkrɪsməs kɑːd] 圣誕卡

Christmas tree [ˈkrɪsməs triː] 圣誕樹

Christmas Eve [ˈkrɪsməs iːv ] 圣誕(前)夜

church [tʃɜːtʃ] n. 教堂;教會(huì)

go to church

attend church 去教堂做禮拜

cigar [sɪˈɡɑː(r)] n. 雪茄煙

cigarette [sɪɡəˈret] n. 紙煙, 香煙

cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] n. 電影院;電影

go to the cinema 去看電影

circle [ˈsɜːk(ə)l] n. /vt. 圓圈 將…圈起來(lái)

The plane circled over the airport before landing.

circuit [ˈsɜːkɪt] n. 環(huán)形路線, 巡回賽

circulate [ˈsɜːkjʊleɪt] v. (液體或氣體)環(huán)流, 循環(huán)

circulate sth (to sb.)

The document will be circulated to all members.

circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] n.條件,環(huán)境,狀況

circus [ˈsɜːkəs] n. 馬戲團(tuán)

citizen [ˈsɪtɪz(ə)n] n. 公民;居民

city [ˈsɪtɪ] n. 市, 城市, 都市

civil [ˈsɪv(ə)l] a. 國(guó)內(nèi)的;平民(非軍人)的;民用的

civilian [sɪˈvɪlɪən] n. 平民, 老百姓

civilization [sɪvɪlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n; (US) sɪvəlɪˈzeɪʃən] n. 文明

clap [klæp] vi. 拍手;鼓掌

clarify [ˈklærɪfaɪ] v. 澄清, 闡明

clarify a situation/ problem/ issue

clarification n.

class [klɑːs; (US) klæs] n. (學(xué)校的)班;年級(jí);課

after class 下課

have classes 上課

the first class 頭等

the working class 工人階級(jí)

classic [ˈklæsɪk] a. 一流的, 典型的, 有代表性的

classical [ˈklæsɪk(ə)l] a. 傳統(tǒng)的;古典的

classify [ˈklæsɪfaɪ] v. 分類, 歸類


classify sb./ sth as …

Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.

classmate [ˈklɑːsmeɪt] n. 同班同學(xué)

classroom [ˈklɑːsruːm] n. 教室

claw [klɔː] n. 爪

clay [kleɪ] n. 黏土, 陶土

clean [kliːn] vt. 弄干凈, 擦干凈 a. 清潔的, 干凈的

clean up 打掃干凈

clean the table/the room

cleaner [kliːnə(r)] n.清潔工.,清潔器.,清潔劑

clear [klɪə(r)] a. 清晰;明亮的;清楚的

clear water 清澈的水

a clear explanation 清晰的解釋

make oneself clear 表達(dá)清楚

clear up (天氣)放晴

clearly adv.

clearly [ˈklɪəlɪ] ad. 清楚地, 無(wú)疑地

clerk [klɑːk; (US) klərk] n. 書記員;辦事員;職員

clever [ˈklevə(r)] a. 聰明的, 伶俐的

click [klɪk] v. 點(diǎn)擊(計(jì)算機(jī)用語(yǔ))

climate [ˈklaɪmɪt] n. 氣候

climb [klaɪm] v. 爬, 攀登

clinic [ˈklɪnɪk] n. 診所

clock [klɔk] n. 鐘

clone [kləʊn] n.克。o(wú)性繁殖出來(lái)的有機(jī)體群)

close [kləʊz] a. 親密的;近, 靠近 ad. 近, 靠近 vt. 關(guān), 關(guān)閉

closely adv. 密切地;仔細(xì)地

watch closely 密切注視;仔細(xì)觀察

a close friend 一個(gè)親密的朋友

be/stand/get close to

close the door/eyes

with his eyes closed/open

close down 關(guān)閉,倒閉

cloth [klɔθ; (US) klɔθ] n. 布

a piece of cloth

a table cloth

clothing u/n (總稱) 衣服

a piece of clothing/an article of clothing 一件

clothes(pl.) 衣服

clothes [klɔðz; (US) kləʊz] n. 衣服;各種衣物

clothing [ˈkləʊðɪŋ] n. (總稱) 衣服

cloud [ˈkləʊðɪŋ] n. 云;云狀物;陰影

cloudy [ˈklaʊdɪ] a. 多云的, 陰天的

club [klʌb] n. 俱樂(lè)部;紙牌中的梅花

clumsy [ˈklʌmzɪ] a. 笨拙的, 不靈巧的

coach [kəʊtʃ] n. 教練;馬車;長(zhǎng)途車

coal [kəʊl] n. 煤;煤塊

coast [kəʊst] n. 海岸;海濱

on/along the coast 在岸上/沿岸

off the coast 離海岸不遠(yuǎn)的地方

coat [kəʊt] n. 外套;涂層;表皮;皮毛 vt. 給……穿外套;涂上

cock [kɔk] n. 公雞

cocoa [ˈkəʊkəʊ] n. 可可粉

coffee [ˈkɔfɪ; (US) ˈkɔːfɪ] n. 咖啡

a cup of coffee

a coffee/two coffees 一杯/兩杯咖啡

coin [kɔɪn] n. 硬幣

Every coin has two sides. 事物皆有兩面性

coincidence [kəʊɪnˈsɪdəns] n. 巧合, 巧事

by coincidence 碰巧

coke [kəʊk] n. 可口可樂(lè)

cold [kəʊld] a. 冷的, 寒的 n. 寒冷;感冒, 傷風(fēng)

cold--blooded [kəʊld blʌdɪd] a. (動(dòng)物) 冷血的

collar [ˈkɔlə(r)] n. 衣領(lǐng); 硬領(lǐng)

colleague [ˈkɔliːɡ] n. 同事

collect [kəˈlekt] vt. 收集, 搜集

collect stamps/stamp collecting 集郵

collection [kəˈlekʃ(ə)n] n. 收藏品, 收集物

a stamp collection

have a large collection of books

college [ˈkɔlɪdʒ] n. 學(xué)院;專科學(xué)校

collision [kəˈlɪʒ(ə)n] n. 碰撞事故

colour (美color) ['kʌlə] n. 顏色 vt.給…著色, 涂色

comb [kəʊm] n. 梳子 v. 梳

combine [kəmˈbaɪn] vt. 使聯(lián)合;使結(jié)合

combine A with/ and B

come (came, come) [kʌm] vi. 來(lái), 來(lái)到

come up with 提出;想出

come across 偶遇

come about 產(chǎn)生,發(fā)生

come on 加油;快點(diǎn);得啦

come true 實(shí)現(xiàn)

come up 走近;被提出;想起;發(fā)芽

come out 出來(lái);出版

comedy [ˈkɔmədɪ] n. 喜劇

comfort [ˈkʌmfət] n. 安慰; 慰問(wèn)

live in comfort 生活安逸

a comfort 令人安慰的人或事

comfortable adj.

live a comfortable life

comfortably adv.

live comfortably

comfortable [ˈkʌmfətəb(ə)l; (US) ˈkʌmfərtəbl] a. 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的

comma [ˈkɔmə] n. 逗號(hào)

command [kəˈmɑːnd; (US) kəˈmænd] n. & v. 命令

at/by/under one’s command 服從某人的命令

have a good command of 很好的掌握......

command sb. to do sth.

command that clause (should do)

comment [ˈkɔment] n. 評(píng)論

make a comment on /about sth

comment on/upon sth

commericial a.貿(mào)易的, 商業(yè)的

commit [kəˈmɪt] v.犯(罪, 錯(cuò)), 自殺

commit murder/suicide

commit yourself (to sth) 承諾......

You don’t have to commit yourself now, just think about it.

commitment [kəˈmɪtmənt] n. 承諾,允諾,承擔(dān)

committee [kəˈmɪtɪ] n. 委員會(huì)

common [ˈkɔmən] a. 普通, 一般;共有的

a common mistake 常見錯(cuò)誤

common practice 慣例

common sense 常識(shí)

have much/a lot/ little/nothing in common

in common with… 和……一樣

communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt] v. 交際;傳達(dá)(感情, 信息等)

communication n.

He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group.

communicate with sb

communication [kəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] n.交際,交往;通訊

communism [ˈkɔmjʊnɪz(ə)m] n. 共產(chǎn)主義

communist [ˈkɔmjuːnɪst] n. 共產(chǎn)主義者 a. 共產(chǎn)黨的;共產(chǎn)主義的

companion [kəmˈpænɪən] n. 同伴;同事

company [ˈkʌmpənɪ] u./n.交往;陪伴 c/n. 公司

keep sb. company 陪伴某人

compare [kəmˈpeə(r)] vt. 比較, 對(duì)照

compare…with… 把…和…比較

compare…to… 把…比作…

compared with/to (作狀語(yǔ)) 與…相比

Compared with/to other people, he is fortunate.

compass [ˈkʌmpəs] n. 羅盤, 指南針

compensate [ˈkɔmpenseɪt] v. 補(bǔ)償, 彌補(bǔ)

compensate for sth 彌補(bǔ)......

compensate sb for sth 彌補(bǔ)/賠償某人某物

compete [kəmˈpiːt] vi. 比賽, 競(jìng)賽

competence [ˈkɔmpətəns] n.能力,勝任,管轄權(quán)

competition [kɔmpəˈtɪʃ(ə)n] n. 比賽, 競(jìng)賽

competition n.

compete with/against sb in sth for sth

competitor [kəmˈpetɪtə(r)] n. 競(jìng)賽者, 比賽者

complete [kəmˈpliːt] a. 完成vt. 完成, 結(jié)束

a complete story 完整的故事

complete the project

completely adv.

be completely destroyed 徹底毀壞

complex [ˈkɔmpleks]a. / n. 復(fù)雜的, 建筑群

component [kəmˈpəʊnənt] n. 組成部分, 部件

composition [kɔmpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] n. 作文;作曲

comprehension [kɔmprɪˈhenʃ(ə)n] n. 理解

compromise [ˈkɔmprəmaɪz] v. 妥協(xié),折中,讓步

agree on a compromise

make a compromise with

by compromise 通過(guò)妥協(xié)

reach/ come to/ arrive at/compromise

compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsərɪ] a. 強(qiáng)制的,必須做的

It is compulsory for sb to do

It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets(頭盔).

compulsory education/schooling(學(xué)校教育)

computer [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)] n. 電子計(jì)算機(jī)

computer game [kəmˈpjuːtə(r) ɡeɪm] 電子游戲

comrade [ˈkɔmrɪd; (US) ˈkɑmræd] n. 同志

concentrate [ˈkɔnsəntreɪt] v. 聚精會(huì)神

concentration n.

I can’t concentrate with that noise going on.

concentrate (sth) on (doing) sth 集中…做…

I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.

concept [ˈkɔnsept] n. 概念

concern [kənˈsɜːn] v. / n. 涉及, 關(guān)心

1) 讓某人擔(dān)憂

What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change.

2) 與…有關(guān)

be concerned with

3) 關(guān)心,掛念

be concerned about

4) 就…而言

as far as sb is concerned

n. show a /no concern about

concerning prep. 關(guān)系到, 涉及

He asked me several questions concerning the future of the company.

concert [ˈkɔnsət] n. 音樂(lè)會(huì);演奏會(huì)

go to a concert

a live concert 現(xiàn)場(chǎng)演奏的音樂(lè)會(huì)

conclude [kənˈkluːd] v. 完成, 結(jié)束

1) 結(jié)束

conclude (sth)(with sth)

He concluded by wishing everyone a safe trip home.

2) 推斷出

conclude sth from sth

What do you conclude from that?

conclusion [kənˈkluːʒ(ə)n] n. 結(jié)論;結(jié)束

draw /reach /come to a conclusion 得出結(jié)論

in conclusion 總之,最后

In conclusion, I would like to thank you.

concrete [ˈkɔŋkriːt] adj.明確的,具體的

concrete floor

concrete evidence

condition [kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n] n. 條件, 狀況

in good/excellent/bad/poor condition 處于良好/極佳/糟糕的狀況

out of condition 不在狀況

living conditions 生活條件

on condition that (連詞) 如果;條件是

They agreed to lend us the car on condition that (only if) we returned it before the weekend.

condemn [kənˈdem] v. 譴責(zé), 指責(zé), 宣判

(與to連用) 迫使…接受(困境),使…注定

condemn sb/ sth for…

be condemned/ sentenced to… 被宣判......

conduct [ˈkɔndʌkt] vt. 引導(dǎo), 帶領(lǐng)

1) 引導(dǎo),帶領(lǐng)

conduct sb around sp

2) 實(shí)施,執(zhí)行

conduct an experiment

3) 指揮

conduct a concert

4) 傳導(dǎo)

conduct electricity

5) 舉止,表現(xiàn)

conduct oneself

conduct n. 行為,舉止

conductor [kənˈdʌktə(r)] n. 管理人;指導(dǎo)者;(車上的)售票員, 列車員;樂(lè)隊(duì)指揮

confident [ˈkɔnfɪdənt] a. 自信的

be confident about/of sth

confidence n.信心

1) gain/lose confidence

2) have confidence in sb/sth

3) be in sb’s confidence 受某人信任,是某人的心腹

4) take sb into your confidence 向某人吐露內(nèi)心秘密

confidential [kɔnfɪˈdenʃ(ə)l] a. 機(jī)密的, 保密的

conference [ˈkɔnfərəns] n. (正式的)會(huì)議;討論

confirm [kənˈfɜːm] v. 證實(shí), 證明, 確認(rèn)

confirm sth/ that/wh-

Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.

Has everyone confirmed (that) they are coming?

Can you confirm what happened?

conflict [ˈkɔnflɪkt] n. 沖突, 爭(zhēng)執(zhí), 爭(zhēng)論

in conflict with

confuse [kənˈfjuːz] v. 使迷惑, 混淆

1) 使糊涂,使迷惑

They confused me with conflicting accounts of what happened.

2) 混淆

confuse A with/and B

Be careful not to confuse quality with quantity.

confusion n.迷惑;困惑

1) confusion about/over sth 困惑

There is a confusion about what the correct procedure should be.

2) confusion between A and B 混淆A和B

congratulate [kənˈɡrætjʊleɪt] vt. 祝賀

Congratulations to you !

congratulate sb. on sth.


congratulation [kənɡrætjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n] n. 祝賀, 慶賀

connect [kəˈnekt] v. 連接, 把…聯(lián)系起來(lái)

1) connect A to/with/ and B 使連接,聯(lián)結(jié)

The towns are connected by trains and bus services.

2) connect sth (to sth) 接通,使…連接

First connect the printer to the computer.

3) connect sb / sth (with sb / sth)

be connected with 與…有聯(lián)系/關(guān)聯(lián)

Theory is closely connected with practice.


Hold on, please, I’m trying to connect you.

connection [kəˈnekʃ(ə)n] n.連接物;接觸,聯(lián)系

in connection with sb/ sth 與...…有關(guān)

A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the manager.

conscience [ˈkɔnʃəns] n. 良心, 良知, 內(nèi)疚

consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. 一致的意見, 共識(shí)

consequence [ˈkɔnsɪkwəns; (US) ˈkɔnsɪkwens] n. 結(jié)果, 后果

as a consequence/result

in consequence 結(jié)果

as a consequence /result of in consequence of 由于

conservation [kɔnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n] n 保存;(自然資源的)保護(hù), 管理

conservative [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] a. 保守的, 守舊的;保守主義的;謹(jǐn)慎的 n.保守的人, 保守主義

consider [kənˈsɪdə(r)] vt. 考慮

consider sth/doing sth/wh- 考慮

We are considering buying a new car.

He was considering what to do next.

consider sb/sth (as /to be) sth 認(rèn)為

This award is considered (to be ) a great honor.

sb be considered to have done sth 認(rèn)為某人已經(jīng)做了某事

Bell is considered to have invented the telephone.

all things considered 從各方面看來(lái),總而言之

considerate [kənˈsɪdərət] a. 體貼的

It is considerate of him to wait.

considering prep.

consideration [kənsɪdəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] n. 考慮;關(guān)心

take sth into consideration 考慮到

Taking everything into consideration, the event was a great success.

consist [kənˈsɪst] v. 包含, 組成, 構(gòu)成

consist of 由…...組成

The committee consists of ten members.

consist in 在于,存在于

The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.

consistent adj 一致的

be consistent with 與…...一致

consistent [kənˈsɪst(ə)nt] a. 一致的, 始終如一的, 連續(xù)的

constant [ˈkɔnstənt] a. 經(jīng)常的, 不斷的

constitution [kɔnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)n; (US) kɔnstəˈtuːʃən] n. 憲法, 章程, 身體素質(zhì)

construct [kənˈstrʌkt] v. 構(gòu)筑;建造, 建設(shè)

be under construction 正在修建中

construct a bridge

construct a theory

construction [kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] n.建造,建設(shè),建筑物

consult [kənˈsʌlt] v. 咨詢, 商量

1) 咨詢,請(qǐng)教 consult sb (about) sth

2) 與某人商量 consult (with) sb about/on sth

3) 查閱,查詢 consult a dictionary

consultant [kənˈsʌltənt] n. 顧問(wèn)

consume [kənˈsʌltənt] v. 消耗, 耗費(fèi)(燃料, 能量, 時(shí)間等)

contain [kənˈteɪn] v. 包含;包括;能容納

container [kənˈteɪnə(r)] n. 容器

1) 包含/括

The book contains 12 units.


Sea water contains a lot of salt.


The envelope contained 500 dollars.

container n. 容器,集裝箱

contemporary [kənˈtempərərɪ; (US) kənˈtempərerɪ] a.屬同時(shí)期的, 同一時(shí)代的

content [kənˈtent] a.甘愿的,滿意的 n.內(nèi)容

be content with 滿足于

be content to do 甘愿做某事

the content of the article 文章內(nèi)容

read the contents of the book 讀目錄

continent [ˈkɔntɪnənt] n. 大陸, 大洲;陸地

continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] vi. 繼續(xù)

continue doing / to do / with

contradict [kɔntrəˈdɪkt] v. 反駁, 駁斥, 批駁

contradictory [ˌkɔntrə'diktəri] a.相互矛盾,對(duì)立的

contrary [ˈkɔntrərɪ; (US) ˈkɔntrerɪ] n. / a. 相反 相反的

Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk.

on the contrary 相反,反之

contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] v. 貢獻(xiàn)

1) 捐獻(xiàn),捐贈(zèng)

contribute (sth) (to/ towards sth)

We contributed 5000 yuan to the earthquake fund.

2) 導(dǎo)致,有助于

contribute to

Smoking contributes to lung cancer.

3) 撰稿,在會(huì)議或會(huì)談期間講話,發(fā)表意見

contribute (sth) (to sth)

She contributed (a number of articles )to the magazine.

We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.

contribution [kɔnˈtrɪbjuːt] n. 貢獻(xiàn)

make a contribution to sth 對(duì)…做貢獻(xiàn)

control [kənˈtrol] vt.& n. 控制

controversial [kɔntrəˈvɜːʃ(ə)l] a.引起爭(zhēng)論的,有爭(zhēng)議的

convenience [kənˈviːnɪəns] n. 便利

at one’s convenience 在某人方便的時(shí)候

for one’s convenience 為了某人方便

convenient adj.方便的

It is convenient for sb to do sth

convenient [kənˈviːnɪənt] a. 便利的, 方便的

conventional [kənˈvenʃən(ə)l] a. 依照慣例的, 習(xí)慣的

conversation [kɔnvəˈseɪʃ(ə)n] n. 談話, 交談

convey [kənˈveɪ] v. 表達(dá), 傳遞(思想, 感情等)

convey sth to sb

convey sb/sth from …to…

convince [kənˈvɪns] v. 使確信, 使信服

convince sb/ yourself of sth

convince sb to do

I have been trying to convince him to see a doctor.

convinced adj.

be convinced of/ that...

I am convinced that she is innocent.

I am convinced of her innocence.

cook [kʊk] n.炊事員,廚師 v.烹調(diào),做飯

cooker [ˈkʊkə(r)] n. 炊具(鍋、爐灶、烤爐等)

cookie [ˈkʊkɪ] n. 小甜餅

cool [kuːl] a. 涼的, 涼爽的;酷

copy [ˈkɔpɪ] n. 抄本, 副本;一本(份, 冊(cè)……) v. 抄寫;復(fù)。唬ㄓ(jì)算機(jī)用語(yǔ))拷(備 份盤)

coral [ˈkɔr(ə)l; (US) ˈkɔːrəl] n. 珊瑚;珊瑚蟲

cordless [ˈkɔːdlɪs] a. 無(wú)線的

corn [kɔːn] n. 玉米, 谷物

corner [ˈkɔːnə(r)] n. 角;角落;拐角

There is a hotel on / at the corner of the street.

drive / force sb into a corner 把某人逼入困境

round / around the corner 很近,在附近

corporation [kɔːpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] n. (大)公司

correct [kəˈrekt] v. 改正;糾正 a. 正確的, 對(duì)的;恰當(dāng)?shù)?br />
I think you’ve made the correct decision.

I spent all evening correcting essays.

correctly adv.Have you spelled it correctly?

correction [kəˈrekʃ(ə)n] n. 改正

correspond [kɔrɪˈspɔnd; (US) kɔːrəˈspɔnd] vi. 一致;與……相當(dāng);(與人)通信, 有書信往來(lái)

corrupt [kəˈrʌpt] a. / v. 貪污的, 腐敗的, 使腐化, 墮落

cost (cost, cost) [kɔst; (US) kɔːst] v.值(錢), 花費(fèi) n. 價(jià)格

the high/low cost of housing

she saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life.

at all costs 不惜任何代價(jià)

You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.

The hospital will cost 2 million dollars to build.

That one mistake almost cost him his life.

cosy ['kəuzi] a.暖和舒適的,親密無(wú)間的

cottage [ˈkɔtɪdʒ] n. (郊外)小屋,村舍,別墅

cotton [ˈkɔt(ə)n] n. 棉花 a. 棉花的

cough [kɔf; (US) kɔːf] n.& vi. 咳嗽

could modal [kʊdˈməʊd(ə)l] v.(can的過(guò)去式)可以…;(表示許可或請(qǐng)求)可以…, 行

count [kaʊnt] vt. 數(shù), 點(diǎn)數(shù)

Every point in this game counts.

count down 倒計(jì)時(shí)

count on sb/sth 依賴

I’m counting on you to help me.

counter [ˈkaʊntə(r)] n. 柜臺(tái), 結(jié)賬處

country [ˈkʌntrɪ] n. 國(guó)家;農(nóng)村, 鄉(xiāng)下

countryside [ˈkʌntrɪsaɪd] n. 鄉(xiāng)下, 農(nóng)村

couple [ˈkʌp(ə)l] n. 夫婦, 一對(duì)

a young/an elderly couple

I saw a couple of men get out .

We went there a couple of years ago.

courage [ˈkʌrɪdʒ] n. 勇氣; 膽略

courageous adj.勇敢的

take courage (from sth) 因某事而鼓起勇氣

lose courage

course [kɔːs] n. 過(guò)程;經(jīng)過(guò);課程

take a course in art and design

The plane was on/ off course.

an event that changed the course of history

The main course was roast duck.

in course of sth 在...…的過(guò)程中

in / over the course of 在…期間

court [kɔːt] n. 法庭;法院

courtyard [ˈkɔːtjɑːd] n. 庭院, 院子

cousin [ˈkʌz(ə)n] n. 堂(表)兄弟, 堂(表)姐妹

cover [ˈkʌvə(r)] n. 蓋子;罩 v. 覆蓋, 遮蓋;掩蓋

She covered her face with her hands.

Much of the country is covered by forest.

The survey covers all aspects of the company.

Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees.

$ 100 should cover your expenses.

By sunset we had covered thirty miles.

The park covers an area of 1000 square kilometers.

She is covering the conference.

cow [kaʊ] n. 母牛, 奶牛

cowboy [ˈkaʊbɔɪ] n.(美國(guó))牛仔;牧場(chǎng)騎士

co-worker [ˈkəʊ ˈwɜːkə(r)] n. 合作者;同事

crash [kræʃ] v. / n. 碰撞, 撞擊

crayon [ˈkreɪən] n 蠟筆;蠟筆畫

crazy [ˈkreɪzɪ] a. 瘋狂的

She must be crazy to lend him money.

That noise is driving me crazy.

Rick is crazy about football.

like crazy/ mad 拼命地,瘋狂地

We worked like crazy to get it done on time.

cream [kriːm] n. 奶油, 乳脂

create [kriːˈeɪt] vt. 創(chuàng)造; 造成

creature [ˈkriːtʃə(r)] n. 生物, 動(dòng)物

credit [ˈkredɪt] n. 信用;信賴;信譽(yù)

1) on credit 賒購(gòu),賒欠

2) three credits 三個(gè)學(xué)分

3) credit card 信用卡

4) to one’s credit 值得贊揚(yáng),使受尊重

( Much/ Greatly) to his credit, Jack refused to accept the gift.

crime [kraɪm] n. (法律上的)罪, 犯罪

criminal [ˈkrɪmɪn(ə)l] n. 罪犯

crew [kruː] n. 全體船員

criterion (pl. criteria) [kraɪˈtɪərɪən] n. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn), 準(zhǔn)則, 原則

crop [krɔp] n. 莊稼;收成

cross [krɔs] a. 脾氣不好的, 易怒的 n. 十字形的東西 vt. 越過(guò);穿過(guò)

cross the mountains 翻過(guò)高山

She sat with her legs crossed.

I was cross with him for being late.

across prep. run across the road

crossing [ˈkrɔsɪŋ] n. 十字路口, 人行橫道

crossroads [ˈkrɔsrəʊd] n. 交叉路口

crowd [kraʊd] n. 人群 vt. 擁擠, 群聚

Police had to break up the crowd.

Crowds of people poured into the street.

Thousands of people crowded the narrow streets.

crowded adj.擁擠的

In the spring the place is crowded with skiers.

crowded [ˈkraʊdɪd] a. 擁擠的

cruel [ˈkruːəl] a. 殘忍的, 殘酷的;無(wú)情的

be cruel to…

Her father’s death was a cruel blow.

cruelly adv.

cruelty n.

cry [kraɪ] n. 叫喊;哭聲 v. 喊叫;哭

cube [kjuːb] n. 立方體

cubic [ˈkjuːbɪk] a.立方體的, 立方形的

cuisine [kwɪˈziːn] n. 飯菜, 佳肴

culture [ˈkʌltʃə(r)] n. 文化

cup [kʌp] n. 茶杯

cupboard [ˈkʌbəd] n. 碗柜;櫥柜

cure [kjʊə(r)] n. & vt. 治療;醫(yī)好

cure sb of sth

find a cure for…

curious [ˈkjʊərɪəs] a. 好奇的;奇異的

be curious about …

be curious to do…

curiously adv.

curiousity n.好奇;好奇心

currency [ˈkʌrənsɪ] n. 貨幣;現(xiàn)金

curriculum [kəˈrɪkjʊləm] n.(學(xué)校的)全部課程

curtain [ˈkɜːt(ə)n] n. 窗簾

cushion [ˈkʊʃ(ə)n] n. 墊子

custom [ˈkʌstəm] n. 習(xí)慣, 習(xí)俗, 風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣

It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.

It was her custom to rise early.

customer [ˈkʌstəmə(r)] n. (商店)顧客, 主顧

customs [ˈkʌstəm] n. 海關(guān), 關(guān)稅

cut (cut, cut) [kʌt] v. / n. 切, 剪, 削, 割, 傷口

have one’s hair cut

His salary has been cut by ten percent.


cut through 抄近路穿過(guò);走近路

cut down 砍倒;削減,縮小

We need to cut the article down to 1000 words.

cut in 插嘴;打斷

She kept cutting in on our conversation.

cut off 停止,中斷;割掉,砍掉; 切斷…的去路,以外界隔絕

Our water supply has been cut off.

He had his finger cut off in an accident at work.

The army was cut off from its base.

cut up 切碎

He cut up the meat on his plate.

cut sth out of sth 裁剪

She cut the dress out of some old materials.

cycle [ˈsaɪk(ə)l] vi. 騎自行車

cyclist [ˈsaɪklɪst] n. 騎自行車的人

[標(biāo)簽:高考英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí) 高考復(fù)習(xí)]






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