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首頁 > 高考總復(fù)習(xí) > 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)方法 > 高考英語完形填空滿分小技巧


2019-04-09 10:16:15本站原創(chuàng)



  一般來講,高考完形填空的首、尾句通常是不挖空的。先跳讀這兩句,便可判斷體裁,猜想它要講什么。若首句交代了when, where,who,what,即四個(gè)w,那么就是記敘文,很可能就是一個(gè)故事;若首句是提出或解釋說明某事物,一般來說是說明文;若首句提出一個(gè)論點(diǎn),那么就是議論文。


  evelyn glennie wathe firstladof solo percussion in scotland. in an interview, she recalledhow she became a percussion soloist (打擊樂器獨(dú)奏演員) in spite of herdisability.





  ___8___ i had been born in the16th century, i would have had no job.

  a. because b. while c. if d.since

  【解析】根據(jù)后面的i   had been born in the 16th century可知這只是個(gè)假設(shè),是一個(gè)虛擬語氣的條件句。故前面要用 if引導(dǎo)。

  (三)利用固定搭配解題   完形填空題中對(duì)詞匯知識(shí)的考查,主要體現(xiàn)在習(xí)慣用法和同義詞、近義詞的辨析兩方面。習(xí)慣用法是英語中某種固定的結(jié)構(gòu)形態(tài),即所謂的“習(xí)語”,不能隨意改動(dòng)。所以,考生平時(shí)應(yīng)掌握好習(xí)慣用法。對(duì)詞義辨析題的考查有加大力度的趨勢(shì)。要做好這類題,需要有較大的詞匯量和詞語搭配能力、詞語辨析能力,特別是在特定的語境中能靈活運(yùn)用的能力。如:

  thecouldn’t read or write.   thedidn’t like to work and thenever ___12___ baths.   a. took b. washed c. ran d.covered

  【解析】本題考查的是固定搭配takea bath,意為“洗澡”。

  (四)利用固定句型解題   完

  形填空雖然注重考查語境理解,但同時(shí)也會(huì)考到一些固定句型,考生掌握好這些句型,對(duì)確定題目的答案很有幫助。如:   it wasn’t long ___18___thepolice caught the thief.

  a. after b. when c. before d.until


  wasn’t long before…是常用句型,意為“不久就……”。這里說的是不久警察就把小偷捉到了。



  i put mhead in, expecting theworst. but to msurprise, the room wasn’t emptat all. it hadfurniture, curtains, a tv, and even paintingon the wall. and thenon the well-made bed sat amy, mnew ___44___, dressedneatly.   a. roommate b. classmate c.neighbor d. companion

  【解析】名詞同現(xiàn),空格前出現(xiàn)了room,furniture, curtains, a tv等同現(xiàn)信息可知坐在鋪好的床上的是“我”的室友。


  Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is __1__ important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 2 it’ll never 3 . That’s 4 we mustn’t waste time.   It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 6__ useful.   But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and __7 . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own __8 .

  In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t 9 today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to 10 .

  1. A. much B. less C. much less D. even more

  2. A. cost B. bought C. gone D. finished

  3. A. return B. carry C. take D. bring

  4. A. what B. that C. because D. why

  5. A. money B. time C. day D. food

  6. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

  7. A. reading B. writing C. playing D. working

  8. A. time B. food C. money D. life

  9. A. stop B. leave C. let D. give

  10. A. lose B. save C. spend D. take

  名師點(diǎn)評(píng)   文章講述了時(shí)間的重要性。金錢用完了可以再來,但時(shí)間卻是一去不復(fù)返。告誡我們要珍惜時(shí)間,不能虛度年華。


  1.D。該句中多音節(jié)形容詞important的比較級(jí)應(yīng)是 more important ,用even來修飾比較級(jí),故選 even more important。




  5.B。時(shí)間的流逝悄無聲息,故應(yīng)選 time。


  7.C。該句列舉了一些人浪費(fèi)時(shí)間的例子,四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中只有playing能和smoking, drinking 相提并論,故選playing。


  9.B。leave意為“留下,剩下”。根據(jù)文意,我們不能把今天的事留到明天做,故選 leave。



  London’s River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel towards London from the sea, is the___1___of them all.

  The thing that is surprising about ___2___is that it opens in the middle. It does this to let the big ships___3___to the Pool of London. If you are___4___enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it.   Tower Bridge is more than one hundred years old. It was built in the___5___. By 1850, everyone___6___that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower London which is almost a thousand years old was most necessary. But the___7___argued about the new bridge for about ___8___ thirty years. The argue lasted so long because of two problems. The new bridge must look like the Tower of London—everyone said so. It___9___not look like a modern bridge. But because of the tall ships it was___10___to have a modern design.   At last, two___11___designers had the idea of an opening bridge. And they made it look like the Tower, so everyone was___12___. It was a wonderful success. There was so much traffic on the river ___13___ the bridge opened at least twelve times a day. A hundred years ago, the River Thames was London’s ___14___road.

  Today big___15___don’t come so far up the Thames. Tower Bridge opens perhaps only twice a week, ___16___the same wonderful machinery is still working. It can still lift the two___17___opening arms—each 1,000 tons—___18___ seventy meters for the ships to go through. And they can still open and close the ___19___in one-and-a-half minutes.

  Things are changing now at Tower Bridge, but ___20___ happens in its exciting future, Tower Bridge will always mean London.

  1. A. widest B. highest C. newest D. most famous

  2. A. London B. the bridges C. Tower Bridge D. the river

  3. A. through B. over C. under D. below

  4. A. tall B. glad C. afraid D. lucky

  5. A. 1890 B. 1890s C. 1890’ D. 1890s’

  6. A. agreed B. suggested C. told D. hoped

  7. A. travelers B. Londoners C. builders D. designers

  8. A. another B. other C. rest D. else

  9. A. dare B. need C. used D. must

  10. A. possible B. impossible C. necessary D. important

  11. A. clever B. foolish C. careless D. troublesome

  12. A. satisfied B. angry C. surprised D. disappointed

  13. A. where B. when C. that D. which

  14. A. busiest B. richest C. widest D. best

  15. A. cars B. ships C. buses D. trucks

  16. A. or B. but C. and D. then

  17. A. long B. heavy C. shining D. wonderful

  18. A. keeping B. leaving C. making D. saving

  9. A. bridge B. river C. tower D. ship

  20. A. what B. however C. whatever D. whichever


  1. D。根據(jù)常識(shí)判斷塔橋是倫敦泰晤士河上所有橋中最著名的。

  2. C。從首段看出本文要描寫塔橋。此處承接上文,指塔橋的令人驚奇之處。

  3. A。through意為“穿過,通過”。

  4. D。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第2段中“塔橋也許一周只開兩次”,可知如果你有幸看到橋張開雙臂高懸在空中。

  5. B。in the 1890s / 1890’s意為“在19世紀(jì)90代”。

  6. A。suggest當(dāng)“建議”講時(shí)后面賓語從句中的謂語動(dòng)詞用should+動(dòng)詞原形;agree 指原來有過分歧, 經(jīng)協(xié)商后“達(dá)到意見一致”符合語境。

  7. D。但是,設(shè)計(jì)者們?yōu)檫@座新橋又爭(zhēng)論了大約三十年。

  8. A。another+數(shù)字+復(fù)數(shù)名詞; 數(shù)字+ other+復(fù)數(shù)名詞。

  9. D。must not在此意為“決不”。

  10. C。但因?yàn)楦叽蟮妮喆?在此通過) ,這座橋有必要進(jìn)行現(xiàn)代化的設(shè)計(jì)。

  11. A。從下文推出此處指“聰明的”設(shè)計(jì)者。

  12. A。他們把橋設(shè)計(jì)得像塔,所以每個(gè)人都感到滿意。

  13. C。本句中使用的是so...that... 結(jié)果狀語從句。

  14. A。根據(jù)上文“一天至少開12次”可知泰晤士河是倫敦最繁忙的交通路線。

  15. B。根據(jù)上下文可知,此處指“船”。

  16. B。but表轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。

  17. B。破折號(hào)起解釋說明的作用。由each 1,000 tons可知the opening arms很重。

  18. B。留出七十米的距離讓輪船通過。

  19. A。橋的開和關(guān)只用一分半鐘。

  20. C。whatever引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句并在從句中作主語。將來不管發(fā)生什么事,塔橋?qū)⒂肋h(yuǎn)代表倫敦。

[標(biāo)簽:高考資訊 復(fù)習(xí)指導(dǎo)]






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