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2019-05-22 08:39:08網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源


  take (an active) part in (積極地)參加

  take a boat from across the (lake) 從(湖)的對面搭一艘船

  take a deep breath 深呼吸

  take a message for sb. 為(發(fā)信人)留個信

  take a message to sb. 給(收信人)留/傳個信

  take a rest 休息

  take a seat 坐下

  take a taxi 找出租車、打的

  take a trip (因私)旅行

  take after ①長得像 ②追趕(美國英語)

  take along 攜帶

  take another two pills 再吃兩粒藥

  take around 帶人參觀

  take aside 把人帶到一邊

  take away 拿走

  take back ①拿回 ②退縮

  take care 小心

  take control of 控制

  take down ①寫下、記下 ②拿下

  take from 從……取得

  take in ①欺騙 ②收留 ③吸入、拿進(jìn)來

  take it easy 別緊張、放松

  take it for granted that… 認(rèn)為……是理所當(dāng)然的

  take measures 采取措施

  take no notice of 沒有注意

  take notes 做記錄

  take notice that 考慮......、對……注意

  take off ①起飛 ②脫下 ③離開

  take office 就職

  take on ①呈現(xiàn)、顯現(xiàn) ②雇傭 ③承擔(dān)(工作)

  take one's attention 吸引某人注意

  take one's exam 某人考試

  take one's leave 告辭,離開

  take one's time 不著急、慢慢來

  take out (of sp.) (從……)拿出

  take over ①繼承 ②接管

  take photographs of sb./sth. 給……拍照片

  take pity/mercy on sb./sth. 憐憫(可憐)……

  take place 發(fā)生

  take pride in 以……自豪

  take sb. up to sp. 帶某人去某地

  take sb./sth. seriously 認(rèn)真對待……

  take sides in 參加、參與

  take sides with 站在……一邊

  take sth. as 把……看作

  take sth. for ①當(dāng)作、看作 ②誤認(rèn)為……

  take sth. for granted 認(rèn)為……是理所當(dāng)然的

  take sth./sb. for ①把……當(dāng)作(看作) ②誤認(rèn)為……是

  take sth./sb./doing for example 把……做例


  take the place of 取代、代替

  take this street/road 走這條街(路)

  take to ①喜愛 ②養(yǎng)成(某種惡習(xí))

  take turns at doing 輪流做……

  take turns to do sth. 輪流做……

  take two more pills 再吃兩粒藥

  take up ①占據(jù)(時間、空間) ②拿起 ③跟著別人說 ④從事

  talk of 談到

  talk to oneself 自己對自己說

  talking of 談起、談到

  tear oneself away from 愛不釋手

  tell lies/a lie 說謊

  tell the difference between A and B 區(qū)分A和B的不同

  tend to do 傾向

  tens of thousands of 成千上萬的(加可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù))

  than before 比以前

  than usual 比平時

  thanks for 多虧了

  thanks to 幸虧、由于

  That is (to say),… 也就是說,……

  the answer/key to the question 問題的答案

  the attitude to/towards sth. 對……的態(tài)度

  the ban on sth./doing ……的禁令

  the cost of living 生活的花費

  the damage to 對……的毀壞

  the entrance to sp. ……的入口

  the first time 第一次(引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句)

  the first+n.+to do 第一次做

  the key to doing 解決……的關(guān)鍵

  the key to the door 門鑰匙

  the last sentence but one 倒數(shù)第二句

  the level of the sea 海平面

  the lines of the play 戲劇的臺詞

  the majority of+c.n.pl. 大多數(shù)的……(接可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù))

  the majority 大多數(shù)(謂語動詞單復(fù)數(shù)視情況而定)

  the minute 這一分鐘(引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句)

  the moment 這一刻(引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句)

  the more…, the more… 越 …… ,越……(more指形容詞比較級)

  the number of the ……的數(shù)量(接可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù);謂語動詞用單數(shù))

  the other day (不久前)有一天

  the other 另一個(有范圍)

  the others 其余全部(有范圍)

  the reason for sth. ……的原因

  The reason why…is that… 之所以……是因為……

  the rest of 剩下的

  the road to sp. 到……的路

  the same as 與……一樣

  the second 這一秒(引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句)

  the students' union 學(xué)生會

  the talk 話題

  the two of sb. 兩個人都……

  the very thing 就是那個東西

  the way to sp. ……的路

  There is no doubt that… 毫無疑問……/……是確定無疑的。

  There is no need for sb. to do… 對某人沒有必要……

  There is no need to do… 沒有必要……

  There is no point in doing sth. 做……沒有意義

  There is no trouble in doing… 做……沒有困難。

  There seem(s) to be… 看起來……

  There used to be… 過去曾經(jīng)有……

  There's no need for sb. to do… 對某人沒有必要做某事

  think about 考慮

  think highly of 高度評價、夸耀

  think of sb. as 把……當(dāng)作

  think of sth./sb./doing ①想到 ②考慮

  think over 仔細(xì)想

  think sb./sth. (to be) +n./adj. 認(rèn)為某人(物)……

  think well of sb. 對……評價很高

  through the street 穿街過巷

  throughout the world 全世界

  throw away 扔掉

  throw up 嘔吐

  tie A to B 把A綁到B上

  time and time again 一次又一次

  time to do 是做……的時候了

  to one's joy/delight 令……高興的是……

  to one's surprise 令……驚奇的是……

  to oneself 對自己

  to tell the truth 說句實話

  to the joy/delight of sb. 令某人高興的是

  too many 太多(接可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù))

  too much ①太多(接不可數(shù)名詞) ②太多的事(作主語)

  track down 偵察、追察

  trade in sth. 進(jìn)行、從事……貿(mào)易

  trade sth. for sth. 為了獲得……而出賣……

  trade sth. with sb. 與某人交易……

  translate…into… 將(一種語言)翻譯成(另一種語言)

  treat sb./sth. as if/though 對待……好像……(有虛擬語氣形式)

  treat sth. as 把……看作

  trust in 信仰(宗教等)

  try doing 嘗試去做

  try one's best to do 盡某人最大的努力做……

  try one's fortune 試運氣

  try to do 努力去做

  turn a blind eye to 對……視而不見、熟視無睹

  turn a deaf ear to 對……聽而不聞、置若罔聞

  turn against 背叛

  turn away 轉(zhuǎn)身

  turn down ①調(diào)小聲 ②拒絕

  turn for the worse 越來越壞了

  turn into 變成

  turn off 關(guān)閉

  turn on 打開

  turn out (to be)+adj./n. 結(jié)果是

  turn out 出來

  turn over 翻動、翻轉(zhuǎn)

  turn sth. into 把……變成

  turn to sb. (for help) 向某人求助

  turn to 把(注意力)轉(zhuǎn)向……

  turn up ①調(diào)大聲 ②出現(xiàn)

  turn yellow/green/… 變黃(綠、……)

  two shoe stores 兩家鞋店

  two women doctors 兩個女醫(yī)生


  under control 受控制

  under management 被管理

  under one's direction 在某人的指導(dǎo)下

  under the pressure 在壓力之下

  until recently 直到最近

  upside down 顛倒地,混亂地(作狀語)

  use up 用盡

  Used sb. to do sth.? 某人過去常常做……嗎?

  using ability 使用的能力


  wait for sb. (to do) 等待某人(做……)

  wake up 叫醒、喚醒

  want doing/to be done 想要(被)……

  want sb. to do 想讓某人去做

  warn sb. not/never to do 警告某人不要做……

  warn sb. of sth. 向某人發(fā)出對……的警報

  wash away (水)沖走

  wash out 沖洗干凈

  wash well 耐洗

  Watch out. 小心。

  water closet 廁所

  wave hello/goodbye to sb. 與某人揮手問好/道別

  wave sb. hello/goodbye 與某人揮手問好/道別

  way of life 生活方式

  wear out ①穿壞了 ②消耗掉了、筋疲力盡

  What a shame to do sth.! 做……多么令人感到可恥!

  What did sb. use to do? 某人過去常常做什么?

  What do you mean by the sentence? 你這句話什么意思?

  What the hell is that! 什么鬼地方! 什么玩意兒!

  What time is it by your watch? 你的表幾點鐘了?

  What's going on? 正在發(fā)生什么事?

  what's more. 更多的是;另外

  What's the population of sp.? ……人口是多少?

  What's up? 發(fā)生了什么事?

  when and where 何時何地(謂語動詞用單數(shù))

  whether … or … 不管......還是......

  Why don't you do…? 為什么不……?

  Why not do…? 為什么不……?

  win a majority 贏得大多數(shù)的(承認(rèn)、同意、支持等)

  wind one's way 蜿蜒前行、迂回前進(jìn)

  wind sth. around sth. 把……纏繞在……上

  wind the clock/watch 上(鐘表的)發(fā)條

  wipe out 擦凈、了解、徹底摧毀

  wish for sth. 希望得到……

  wish sb. n./adj. 希望某人……

  wish sb. to do 希望某人做……

  wish that 希望(虛擬語氣)

  wish to do 希望做……

  with great care 小心翼翼

  with this method 用這種方法

  within reach 夠得著

  wonder at/about 對……感到驚訝、疑慮

  wonder to do 驚奇地……、對……感到驚奇

  wonder+(疑問詞)+to do 想知道……

  Word came that… ……消息傳來了。

  work at sp. 在……工作

  work on sth. 進(jìn)行……工作

  worry about 擔(dān)心

  worse still 更糟糕的是

  would like sb. to do 想讓某人去做

  would prefer to do than do 與其做某事不如做某事

  would rather sb. did… 更愿意讓某人做……

  would rather to do than do 與其做某事不如做某事

  write articles for sth. 給……寫文章

  write articles on (many subjects) 寫有關(guān)(許多學(xué)科)的文章

  write down 寫下、記下

  write sth. for a newspaper 給報紙寫文章


  year after year 年復(fù)一年(不變)

  year by year 逐年(有變化)

  You'd better do sth. 你最好做……。

  You've got to... 你非做......不可。






[標(biāo)簽:高考英語 高頻考點]






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