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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)來源 2009-08-29 13:59:18




   -Having dealt with A, I now want to move on to B.

   -From A, it follows that …B

   -You may have noticed that in A,… now in B.

   -As a consequence of A…, B…

   -Although in A we showed…, in B…

   -One exception to A is …B

   -…and this leads us to …

   -…which brings me to my next point…

   -So much for A, let's look at B.

   -That covers A, so what about B?

   -If we're all happy with that, where do we go from here?

   -As regards (X), however, the situation is somewhat different.


   -In this context it is worth mentioning…

   -As an extension of this…

   -It's also true that…

    -If I can digress for a moment…

   -Perhaps I might also mention that…

   -As an afterthought, (how, what) about…

   -I will just touch on one other point in passing…

   -Before we leave this subject, it's worth saying that…


   -But this is taking us away from the main theme…


  -Picking up where we left off

   -As I was saying before that digression/interruption.

   -To continue the main discussion…

   -Going back to what I was saying…

   -I mentioned earlier…


   -As I said earlier/before…

   -You will recall that earlier I said…

   -You may have been wondering why I said…

   -When I was talking about this point earlier I said…

   -In my introduction I said…

   -You may have noticed that…

   -I mentioned earlier that…

   -Let me pick up a reference made earlier to…


   -To summarize…

   -Briefly, then…

   -We have seen that…

   -The main points, therefore, are…

   -If I can summarize what I have said so far…

    -If we can take stock for a moment…

   -Thus we can see…

   -It must now be clear that…

   -I've been attempted to explain here that…

   -So, to sum up…

   -To recap, then, …







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