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您現在的位置:首頁 > 高考總復習 > 高考知識點 > 高考英語知識點 > 愚人節(jié)腦筋急轉彎10個問題學習英語詞匯


來源:網絡來源 2009-08-29 16:25:50


   1. Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? (愚人節(jié)人們?yōu)槭裁雌>?)
    答:Because they have just had a long March. ( 因為他們剛過了長長的三月。March 三月;行軍)


    2.What weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什么天氣?)

    答:When it's raining cats and dogs.(下大雨。rain cats and dogs 下大雨 )


    3.When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? (狗什么時候不愿跟隨主人?)

    答:When their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳蚤市場時。Flea 跳蚤 flea market 舊貨市場 )


    4.What question can never be answered by “yes”? (哪個問題永遠不能回答“是的”?)

    答:Are you asleep? (你睡著了嗎)


    5.What tree is always very sad? (那種樹總是很傷心?)

    答:Weeping willow. ( 垂柳 weep哭泣 willow柳樹)


    6.When can you get water with a net? (什么時候可以用網兜裝水?)

    答:When water is turned into ice. (當水結成冰時)


    7.Why is the pig always eating 豬為什么沒完沒了地吃?

    答:He's making a hog of himself.它想成為一只肉豬。


    8.What's the longest word in the world 世界上最長的單詞是什么?

    答:Smiles. Because there's a mile between the letter 's'.微笑。因為兩個字母S中間隔了一里。


    9.What question is that to which you must always answer "yes"? 什么問題你只能回答“yes”?

    答:"What does y-e-s spell?" (當別人問你)“yes”怎么拼?


    10.Where were you when the power was cut off? 當停電的時候你在哪?

    答:In the darkness. 在黑暗中






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