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來源:網(wǎng)絡來源 2009-08-29 21:51:20

  Ferguson gracious in defeat

  Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson has been quick to offer congratulations to Burnley counterpart Owen Coyle.

  And Ferguson is no doubt relieved his side will not encounter many atmospheres as hostile as the one they experienced. 

  "People refer to this as a ramshackle place but I love this type of stadium," said Coyle.

  "And the supporters know that these players will give their maximum in every game.

  "Sir Alex said well done at the end. He dealt with defeat in the gracious manner I would expect of someone like that.

  "He is the best manager in world football and I still expect Manchester United to be champions."

  Ferguson could do little other than accept his side had got what they deserved. "It was a bad performance considering the chances we had and the possession we had," he said.

  "In fairness to Burnley they caused us problems and had a good spell in the first half.

  "It has been a long time for them out of the top flight and you cannot deny them their victory.

  "They have worked hard and the fans have been fantastic.

  "They got behind them all night with everybody kicking the ball. It was fantastic for them on their return. It was a great occasion for them."

  The choice of Carrick as a penalty-taker ahead of Rooney and Owen, who wasted two excellent chances in front of England coach Fabio Capello, was a surprise.

  "Maybe if we had got the penalty just before half time it would have made a difference but in saying that we were too frivolous with the chances we had," he said.

  United now head to Wigan on Saturday knowing they already have ground to make up in their bid to land an unprecedented fourth successive league title.

  "I am sure we will get a response at Wigan," said Ferguson.

  "The players are all disappointed. It was a bad result for us. It was a good passing pitch and we should have done better."







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