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no adj. & adv.
△ No the teachers went on strike.  ×
There are no any students in the classroom.  ×
  1.修飾可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)時(shí),no = not a
I have no friends. = I don’t have a friend.
There’s no bus. = There’s not a bus.
  2. 修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)和不可數(shù)名詞時(shí),no = not any
There are no people in the room. = There aren’t any people in the room.
I have no time. = I have not any time.
There is no water in the glass. = There isn’t any water in the glass.
  3. no修飾名詞時(shí),這個(gè)名詞前不能有冠詞 (a / the)、物主代詞(my / your…)、指示代詞(this / that) 或all / every,如果有,要改為none of…。
none of = not any of
None of my friends came to the party. = Not any of my friends came to the party.
No teachers went out.   (不說(shuō)No the teachers went out.)
none  指人或指物, 其后常接of短語(yǔ)。
     none of + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞(或代詞),其后的動(dòng)詞單復(fù)均可。
     none of + 物質(zhì)名詞或抽象概念,其后的動(dòng)詞要用單數(shù)。
None of them have / has seen him.
None of this money belongs to me.
None of her relations are / is interested.
   none 還可以單獨(dú)使用,如:
“Is there any coal left?”  “No, none at all.”
“How many students are there in the classroom?”  “None.”
“How many of the books have you read?”  “None at all.”
“How much water left is there in the bottle?”  “None.”
  比較:No one thinks he is clever.   (= Nobody thinks he is clever.)
     No one knows what they fought about.
     No one likes a person with bad manners.
“Who are you speaking to?”  “No one.”  (or: Nobody)
“Who(m) did you see enter the lonely house?”  “Nobody.”  (or: No one)
△   No one of us attended the meeting.  ×
I’ve read no one of his books.  ×
1.   none 用來(lái)指人或物;no one (= nobody) 主要用來(lái)指人 (= not even one 意為:連一個(gè)也沒(méi)有,語(yǔ)氣重)。
2.   none常接of 短語(yǔ);no one 不能接of 短語(yǔ)。
3.   作主語(yǔ)時(shí),none 后面的名詞為復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),動(dòng)詞可用單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù);no one 只用作單數(shù),動(dòng)詞也用單數(shù)。
4.   none 往往用在一定的范圍內(nèi);no one 沒(méi)有范圍限制。
5.   回答who引導(dǎo)的問(wèn)句用no one或nobody;回答how many或how much引導(dǎo)的問(wèn)句用none。
6.   當(dāng)談到兩個(gè)人或事時(shí),不用no 或none,而用 neither。
  much / many
△   John’s got many friends because he’s got much money.
Tom talks much.
1.much 修飾不可數(shù)名詞,many 修飾可數(shù)名詞,它們多用在否定句或疑問(wèn)句中;在肯定句中多用a lot of, lots of, plenty of,如:
Are there many people in the street?   (改用any意思不同)
Tom hasn’t many books.  (改用any意思不同)
He doesn’t know much English.
Did you have much trouble with the customs?
2.many 和many 在較為正式的文體中可以用在肯定句中,特別是在句首時(shí),如:
Many machines at the exhibition are made in China.
Much steel has been saved.
3.在肯定句中,在too, so, as之后,以及在某些含有very的詞語(yǔ)中,常用many和much,這是正常的,如:
Tom talks too much.
There’s so much violence these days.
Try to get as many opinions as you can.
You’ve bought too many tomatoes.
4.在由whether / if 引導(dǎo)的從句中,要用many或much。
They doubt whether he has much knowledge on that subject.
  few / a few
Tom has a few friends besides you.  (作定語(yǔ))
Tom has a few friends besides you.
Few of them are any good.  (作主語(yǔ))
A few of them are good.
I know few of these people.  (作賓語(yǔ))
I know few of these people.
1.   few修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)。
2.   few (= not many; hardly any)含否定意義;a few (= some; several; a small number of) 含肯定意義。
3.   not a few = no few = quite a few = a good few = many。
4.   當(dāng) few受 every, last, past, next, some, very等詞所修飾時(shí),表示肯定意義,few之前不再有冠詞。如:
In the last few minutes, he checked up his paper again.
It took us some few days to repair the machine.
They are very few in number.
There were too few of them.
He goes to see his grandma every few weeks.
5.   在非正式文體中很少見(jiàn),一般用或代替,如:
Only a few people attended the meeting.
  little / a little
Little remains to be done about it.  (作主語(yǔ))
A little remains to be done.
Please give me a little.  (作賓語(yǔ))
He knows a little of everything.
There is very / but little time left.  (作定語(yǔ))
Don’t worry; you still have a little time.
1.   little修飾不可數(shù)名詞,表示“量”。
2.   little含否定意義(反義詞:much);a little含肯定意義(反義詞:none)。
3.   在非正式英語(yǔ)中,一般很少用little,常用not much, only a little來(lái)代替,如:
We haven’t got much money / time.
Each day is better than the one before.
There is a line of trees on each side of the street.
注:可以說(shuō):each sister, my sister(s),但不可以說(shuō):each my sister。
2.當(dāng)名詞前有另一個(gè)限定詞(冠詞、物主代詞、指示代詞)時(shí),要用each of,(這時(shí)的each是代詞)后接復(fù)數(shù)名詞,如:
Each of my aunts gave me socks for Christmas.
I’ve invited each of the students in turn.
   注:名詞前沒(méi)有其他限定詞不用each of,所以不能說(shuō):Each of aunts…。
Each of them / us had a try.
Each of them is broken.  (cf. Each of the cups is broken.)
Each of them has his own duty.
Each has his merits.
I had some crazy dreams last night. Each was funnier than the last.
注:在這種情況下,以用each one為宜,顯得更自然:
  Each one was perfect.
  Each one was funnier than the last.
We each have our own attitude to bringing up children.
The boys each have a new bike.
注:動(dòng)詞為 be或有助動(dòng)詞時(shí),each應(yīng)放在其后。
  His sisters have each married businessmen.
  The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.

She sent the children / them each a present.
不說(shuō):She kisses them each.

Give them two books each.  (= Give each of them two books.)
The students have ten books each.
  each / every

1.each從個(gè)體著眼,強(qiáng)調(diào)“每個(gè)”人或物的個(gè)別情況,表示“各個(gè)”;every從整體著眼,強(qiáng)調(diào)共同性,意為“個(gè)個(gè)都”(= all),但有時(shí)在句中使用時(shí)并無(wú)太大的區(qū)別,如:
You look more beautiful every / each time I see you.
I know every / each member of the family.
Each / Every man carried a box on his shoulder.


可以說(shuō):   each of the students  /  each of them
不說(shuō):    every of the students / every of them
也不說(shuō):   Every goes in for sports. / Every was empty.
但可以說(shuō):  every one of the students / every one of them
Every one (of the rooms) was full of people.

Every park is crowded on Sunday.  (cf. All the parks are crowded on Sunday.)
He has read every book on the subject.  (= … all the books on …)

I go to Paris every six weeks or so.

Not every man can do this kind of work.  (= Every man cannot do this kind of work.)
(cf. Not all men can do this kind of work.  = All men cannot do this kind of work.)

One must love one’s country.
One can’t be too careful, can one?
One cannot succeed at this unless one / he tries hard.
One should constantly think of one’s / his weakness.

“Do you need my pen?”  “No, thanks. I have got one myself.”
I haven’t got a raincoat. I’ll have to buy one.
I’m looking for a house. I’d really like one with a garden.

  注①:one所代替的是同類事物中的“一個(gè)”,the one所代替的是同類事物中特指的“另一個(gè)”;it所代替的是前面提到過(guò)的同一事物;that可代替前面提到過(guò)的名詞,用于特指,它只能代替事物,不能代替人(定語(yǔ)從句除外),如:
I need a bike but I have no money to buy one.
I need the bike but I have no money to buy it.
This film is not so good as the one we saw last week.
“Do you have a bike?”  “Yes, I have one. I have a new one.”
Your question is a difficult one.
I like this book better than the one I read last time.
The white horse is stronger than the black one.

I have a new pen and several old ones.
I don’t like coloured envelopes. I like white ones.

5.one不能代替不可數(shù)名詞,如:milk, energy, happiness等。

6.one of之后用名詞復(fù)數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù)代詞 (us, them, you),而動(dòng)詞用單數(shù),如:
One of my friends is a pilot.
One of your cats has disappeared.
7.   通常不說(shuō):your one(s) , my one(s) , his one(s)
而說(shuō):yours, mine, his
Your car isn’t fast enough. Let’s take mine.  (不說(shuō):my one)
但有形容詞時(shí),則可以說(shuō):Let’s take my new one.
1. 作主語(yǔ):All of my friends like riding.
      All I want is a room somewhere.
      All is going well.
      All are here.

2. 作賓語(yǔ):I’ll give you all you want.
      I’ve read all of the book.

3.作表語(yǔ):That’s all for today.
Is that all you want to say / know?

4.作定語(yǔ): All children can be naughty sometimes.
All matter is composed of atoms.

5.作同位語(yǔ): My friends all like riding.  (在動(dòng)詞之前)
         They have all gone to the park.  (在第一個(gè)助動(dòng)詞之后)
         We are all tired.  (在be動(dòng)詞之后)
         How kind you all are to me!  (強(qiáng)調(diào)表語(yǔ)并將其提前時(shí),all在主語(yǔ)之后,系動(dòng)詞之前。)
      注②:在人稱代詞前面,只能用all of,不用all,且代詞用賓格,動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù)。
         可以說(shuō):all of us, all of you, all of them
         不說(shuō):all us, all we, all you, all them或all they
      注③:名詞前有冠詞、指示代詞、所有格或其他限定詞時(shí),既可用all,也可用all of,意思不變,如:
         all (of) the papers,  all (of) my friends,  all (of) the water
         若名詞前沒(méi)有冠詞、指示代詞等,只可以用all,不用 all of。
          All roads lead to Rome.
          All hope is gone.
          All whisky is expensive.
        △特例:all one’s life  如:all his life, all my life。
         Love to you all.  (不說(shuō):Love to the family all.)
         I’ve eaten them all.  (不說(shuō):I’ve eaten the cakes all.)
         I’ve finished it all.  (不說(shuō):I’ve finished the work all.)
        但:all 不能用于表語(yǔ)之后,不可以說(shuō):This is it all.
all / every
all 表示“大家都……”,或者“全部……都”,強(qiáng)調(diào)整體,注意力不在個(gè)體;every 表示整體的每個(gè)個(gè)體,盡管每一個(gè)個(gè)體加在一起也相當(dāng)于一個(gè)整體,但不把各別個(gè)體單獨(dú)看待,而當(dāng)作整體的代表,從每一個(gè)個(gè)體著眼,如:
He has read all the books on the shelf.
He has read every book on the shelf.
Every house in the street has been sold.
All the houses in the street have been sold.
Not every man can do this kind of work.
Not all men can do this kind of work.

1.   all 可以作主語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)、表語(yǔ)、定語(yǔ);every只能作定語(yǔ),不可以說(shuō):every of them。

2.   all之后可以跟the或其他限定詞;而every不能,不可以說(shuō):every the student(s)。

3.   all可以與復(fù)數(shù)名詞或動(dòng)詞連用;every之后的動(dòng)詞只能是單數(shù)。

4.   all還可以跟單數(shù)名詞連用,表示every part of (整個(gè)地);every則沒(méi)有此意,試比較:
She was here all day.  (整天)
She was here every day.  (每天)

5.   every可以表示“每隔……的”,“每……中的”;all則沒(méi)有這個(gè)意思,如:
every three days / choose one out of every ten boys

6.   不過(guò),every 的合成詞可以起名詞作用,作主語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)等,如:
Everyone is here.  (= All are here.)
Everything is going well.  (= All is going well.)

一、   與名詞或代詞連用:
Both children have been to Beijing.
Both answers are correct.

  2.名詞前如果有限定詞,both 或both of均可,如:
Both (of) the girls are very diligent.
Both (of) my children have been to Beijing.
I want both (of) these books.

  3.與人稱代詞連用,要用both of,人稱代詞為賓格,如:
Both of them / us were born on March 19th.
The letter’s addressed to both of them / us / you.
不說(shuō):both we / both us / both them
但可以說(shuō):us both / them both , 如:He invited us both.

  4.both前面不能加冠詞,不可以說(shuō):The both children have been to Beijing.

二、   與動(dòng)詞連用(both指句子的主語(yǔ)):

   We both like riding.
   You are both wrong.
They are both waiting for the bus.
We must both go there.
   How silly you both are!
“Were both of the cups broken?”  “Yes, they both were.”
“Who can do it?”  “We both can.”

三、   作代詞單獨(dú)使用:
Both are right.
I’ll take both, please.
記住下列句子:   Both cats are asleep.
          Both the cats are asleep.
          Both of the cats are asleep.
          The cats are both asleep.

  either / neither
可以說(shuō):either room, neither room, the room, my room;
不可以說(shuō):the either room, either my room, neither his parents.
例句:Either day is OK.
    You may take either road.
    Neither sentence is correct.
    Neither dictionary belongs to me.
注①   either或neither都不能用作同位語(yǔ)。
注②   either有時(shí)可以表示“兩個(gè)都”,特別是后接side或end時(shí),如:
There are roses on either side of the door.  (= both sides)

  Either will do.
  You may take either with you.
  Neither is mine.
  “Which will you have?”  “Neither, thank you.”

  Either of the books will do.
  Has either of your parents visited you?
  Neither of these sentences is/are correct.
  Neither of the books is/are very interesting.
  不可以說(shuō):either of books;neither his parents。

4.在人稱代詞之前要用either of或neither of(代詞要用賓格),如:
  Either of you could do it.
  Neither of them was / were in good health.
  I have seen neither of them before.
  注①:在帶有either of作主語(yǔ)的句子中,動(dòng)詞一般用單數(shù),如:
  Either of the sisters knows English very well.
  Either of the children is quite capable of looking after the baby.
  I don’t think either of them are at home.
  注②:在neither of作主語(yǔ)的句子中,動(dòng)詞可用單數(shù),也可用復(fù)數(shù);在非正式文體中,復(fù)數(shù)更常見(jiàn)。
  Both of us are not teachers.  我們兩個(gè)并非都是教師。
  Neither of us is a teacher.   我們兩個(gè)都不是教師。
  Either of us isn’t a teacher.  我們兩個(gè)都不是教師。
  Neither of you can go.
  Both of you can’t go.
  △ both…not ≠neither
everyone / every one

  everyone只能指人(每人;人人)= everybody   作主語(yǔ)時(shí)動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)。
  every one既可指人,又可指物(一般用來(lái)指物) 
  In a small village, everyone knows everyone else.
  Everyone is here.
  I would like everyone to be happy.
  Every one of the cups was broken.
  Every one of us has an English-Chinese dictionary.
  She took my bottles of whisky and emptied every one down the sink.

  注:在表示某種范圍內(nèi)的“每個(gè)人”時(shí),everyone后通常接in + 集體名詞;而every one則接of + 具體名詞或代詞(復(fù)數(shù)、賓格)。
可以說(shuō):every one of us / every one of the rooms;
不可以說(shuō):everyone of us / everyone of the rooms (everyone后不加of短語(yǔ))。例如:
Everyone in our class likes playing football.
Every one of the students is getting ready for the exam.
Every one of us is getting ready for the exam.
anyone / any one

  anyone只能指人(任何人)= anybody;其后不可用of短語(yǔ)。
  any one既可指人,又可指物,意為“任何一個(gè)人(或物)”,表示只限一個(gè);通常和of短語(yǔ)連用。例如:
  Is there anyone at home?
  Anyone can do that. Anyone knows that.
  You may choose any one of them / these books.
  Any one of us can do the work.
  注:one + of – 屬格結(jié)構(gòu)可用在every,each,any等限定詞之后,如:
  Every one of the cups was broken.
  但用在each, any之后的one可以省略,如:
  Each / Any (one) of us could have made the same mistake.

   作主語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)、定語(yǔ)   作定語(yǔ)   作主語(yǔ)、賓語(yǔ)
泛指   another   other (boys)   others
特指    the other    the other (boys)   the others
  I don’t like this one. Can you show me another?
  Can I have another glass of beer?
  That’s quite another matter.
Another two weeks has passed. (= Two more weeks has passed.)
They’ll stay here for another few months.
  注②:another用作名詞時(shí),其復(fù)數(shù)形式為some others或some more,如:
I don’t like these. Can you show me any others? (= any more)
  注③:another用作形容詞時(shí),其復(fù)數(shù)形式為some other …, 或some more …, 如:
Please let me see some other pens. (= some more pens)

  Have you got any other novels / colours?
  There are other ways of doing this exercise.
  You may ask some other people.
  I’ll come again some other day.
▲ others在句中作代詞用,可以充當(dāng)主語(yǔ)或賓語(yǔ),others = other + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞,如:
  Can you show me others?
  Give me some others.
  Do good to others.
  注①:在列舉不定數(shù)的人或事物時(shí),可用some…some, 或some…others, 如:
  Some prefer the films, (and) others the theaters.
  Some metals are magnetic and others aren’t.
  Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.
  Shanghai is bigger than any city in Africa.

3.the other
  ① 用作代詞時(shí),表示“兩者中另一個(gè)人或物”,(與one相對(duì)),如:
   She has two sisters. One is a nurse and the other is a teacher.
  ② 用作形容詞時(shí),表示確定數(shù)目中的“另一些,或其他的人或物”(兩部分中的另一部分),如:
  The post office is on the other side of the street.
  Where are the other photos?
  There are six students in the room. Four are boys; the other two are girls.

4.the others = the other + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞,指除去一部分中“余下的當(dāng)中的全部”,即:其余的。
  This composition is better than the others. (= the other compositions)
  Most of the students went out, but the others stayed at school.
  We got home by 6 o’clock, but the others didn’t get back until 8 o’clock.
  注:列舉確定數(shù)目的人或事物時(shí),可用one…the other, 或one (two)… the others …, 如:
  One of my brothers is named Tom; the other (is) named Jack.
  She has three daughters. One is a teacher, the others (are) doctors. (= the other two)
  可以說(shuō):the other books,the other two,the other two books,the two other books,two other books。
  不可以說(shuō):other two books。
     one of ~s之后的物主代詞一般用his;
  One has to take care of oneself and one’s family if one can.
  If one wants to see the ruins, he must find his own guide.
  One of the students hasn’t prepared his lessons very well.
  Everyone must do his best to help others.

2.someone,anyone,everyone,no one僅指人,不接of短語(yǔ);
some one,any one,every one,none可指人,也可指物,可接of短語(yǔ)。







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