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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2018-10-19 22:21:47

  31.hit n.成功;紅極一時(shí)的人或事(熟義:v.擊中,打擊)

  Tuhao is quite a hit of this year.

  32.ill adj.& adv.壞的/地(熟義:adj.生病的)

  It's no good speaking ill of others.

  33.interest n.利益;股份(熟義:n.興趣)

  Our family has interests in the business.

  34.invite v.吸引(熟義:v.邀請(qǐng))

  Don't leave the window open-it's inviting thieves to enter.

  35.inspire v.啟發(fā)(熟義:v.激勵(lì);鼓舞)

  His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.

  36.jump n.& v.大幅度上漲(熟義:v.& n.跳躍)

  Last week the price of goods jumped.

  37.kid v.開玩笑;欺騙(熟義:n.小孩)

  Take it easy.I'm just kidding.

  38.kill v.消磨(時(shí)間)(熟義:v.殺掉;害死)

  That guy hangs around all day long,killing time.

  39.lose vi.(鐘表)慢(熟義:v.失去;丟掉)

  Please hurry!My watch loses 10 minutes.

  40.last adj.最不可能的(熟義:adj.最后的)

  He is the last man I want to see.

  41.mean adj.自私的,卑鄙的,吝嗇的(熟義:v.意思是,意味著)

  It's mean of you to eat up all the apples.

  42.note v.注意,指出,特別提到(熟義:n.筆記)

  I noted that her hands were dirty.

  43.open adj.(問題、議事等)未解決的(熟義:v.開;adj.開著的,打開的)

  They left the matter open.

  44.operate vi.起作用(熟義:vi.運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn);操作;做手術(shù))

  The medicine operated quickly.

  45.part v.分手;放棄;賣掉(熟義:n.部分;零件;角色)

  In order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions.

  46.pleasant adj.和藹可親的,友善的(熟義:adj.令人愉快的)

  He's always been very pleasant to me.

  47.position n.立場(chǎng);觀點(diǎn)(熟義:n.位置;職位)

  What's your position on the problem?

  48.promise v.有……的希望;使……有可能(熟義:v.& n.許諾)

  The dark clouds promise rain.

  49.rate v.對(duì)……作出評(píng)價(jià);被認(rèn)為,被評(píng)價(jià)為(熟義:n.比率;速度)

  These potatoes rate among the best.

  50.read v.理解;領(lǐng)會(huì)(熟義:v.閱讀)

  I didn't read mother's thoughts at that time.

  51.reflect v.沉思;思考(on/upon)(熟義:v.映出;反射)

  I need time to reflect on your offer.

  52.safe adj.謹(jǐn)慎的;小心的(熟義:adj.安全的)

  He is a safe man.You can count on him.

  53.say vt.假定;顯示;表明(熟義:vt.說)

  Say that war breaks out,what will you do?

  54.shoulder v.承擔(dān)(熟義:n.肩膀)

  Young people should learn to shoulder the blame.

  55.spring v.跳,躍;突然出現(xiàn)(熟義:n.春天;泉水)

  Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.

  56.strength n.強(qiáng)項(xiàng),優(yōu)點(diǎn),優(yōu)勢(shì)(熟義:n.力氣)

  Maths is not my strength.

  57.walk n.行業(yè)(熟義:v.& n.行走;步行)

  This society welcomes people from all walks of life.

  58.wear vt.表露,流露,面帶(熟義:vt.穿戴)

  The girl always wears a happy smile.

  59.weigh v.權(quán)衡;斟酌(熟義:v.稱……的重量;重達(dá))

  Please weigh the advantages and disadvantages of doing this!







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