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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考總復習 > 高考知識點 > 高考英語知識點 > 2019年高考一輪復習英語知識點:短語句型(3)


來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2018-10-20 23:48:15

  1). Should he act like that again, he would be fined.    If he should act like that again, ……

  Were he to act like that again, he would be fined.   If he were to act like that again, ……

  ***If he acted like that again, ……(不可以倒裝)

  2). Had the doctor come in time last night, the boy would have been saved.

  If the doctor had come in time last night, ………..

  3). If I had time now, I would go to the film with you. (不可以倒裝,因為句中的had不是助動詞)

  But for….--> If it were not for…../ If it hadn't been for

  1). But for the determined captain, all the passengers on board wouldn't have been saved.

  If it hadn't been for the determined captain, all the passengers on board……

  2). But for your rich parents, you wouldn't live such a easy life.

  If it were not for your rich parents, you wouldn't live such a easy life.

  再suggest, insist, demand, require, request, order, advise, propose等表示建議、要求、命令、主張的動詞引導的名詞性從句中,從句的謂語動詞要用(should )do的形式

  1). Mother insisted that John (should) go to bed before 9 o'olock.

  對比:He insisted that I had taken away his dictionary.(不是建議、要求、命令或主張)

  2). His suggestion that Tony (should) be invited to the party was refused.(同位語從句)

  對比:His words suggested that he was very angry with me.(不是建議、要求、命令或主張)

  58. taste, smell, look, sound, feel等感官動詞作為系動詞后面要接adj.作表語。

  1). Apple of this kind taste very nice.

  2). Smelling nice, this kind of bread sells well.

  59.有些動詞常用作不及物動詞與well或easily連用,表示某物具備的某種特征。常用的詞有sell, cut , wash, last, burn等。

  1).His latest work sells well

  2). Dry wood burns easily.


  1).I have never seen a better film.

  2).I can't agree you more. 我非常同意



  1). I earn more than I did in the past.

  2). John spends as much time watching TV as he does writing.

  3). China is no longer what it was/ used to be.


  that  代替指物的單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞或抽象不可數(shù)名詞,一般是特指的

  those 代替指人或指物的復數(shù)名詞,一般是特指的=the ones

  one   代替指人或指物的單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,一般是泛指的

  ones  代替指人或指物的復數(shù)名詞,一般是泛指的

  1). The output of coal this year is twice as much as that of last year.

  2). The students in this class are more active than those in that one.

  3). A bridge made of steel is stronger than one made of stones.

  4). Small bananas usually taste better than bigger ones.


  文章來源:教育熱點論文網(wǎng) 文章編輯:EduHot 發(fā)布時間:2006-04-13




  To get there by bike will take us half an hour.


 、買t+be+名詞+to do

  It's our duty to take good care of the old.

 、贗t takes sb+some time+to do

  How long did it take you to finish the work?

 、跧t+be+形容詞+for sb+to do

  It is difficult for us to finish writing the compositionin a quarter of an hour.

  ④It+be+形容詞+of sb+to do

  It is stupid of you to write down everything the teachersays.

 、軮t seems(appears)+形容詞+to do

  It seemed impossible to save money.

  在句型③中,常用表示客觀情況的形容詞,如:difficult,easy,hard,important,impossible,necessary 等;在句型④中,常用careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise等 表示贊揚或批評的詞。在不定式前的sb,可看作其邏輯主語。這一句式有時相當于Sb is+形容詞+to do句式 ,如:It'skind of you to help me with my English.=You are kind to helpme with my English.


  Learning without practice is no good.


 、買t's +no good(no use,fun,a pleasure,a waste of time)+doing…

  It's no good reading in dim light.

  It's no use sitting here waiting.


  It's dangerous swimming in the sea in windy days.

  這樣用的形容詞有expensive,nice,tiring等,但important,necessary則不適用于這種結(jié)構(gòu),應(yīng)用不定式 代替,如:It'simportant for you to keep fit.

 、跿here is no+doing

  There is no saying what will happen next.

  在這一結(jié)構(gòu)中,動名詞后常帶賓語,相當于"It's impossible to…"結(jié)構(gòu)。


  ①不定式作主語經(jīng)常表示具體動作,常與特定的動作執(zhí)行者聯(lián)系在一起;而動名詞作主語經(jīng)常表示抽象動 作,經(jīng)常不與特定的動作執(zhí)行者聯(lián)系在一起。如:

  It's no good eating too much fat.

  It's no good for you to eat so much fat.


  It's no use your pretending that you didn't know the rules.



  ①以下動詞后,只能跟不定式作賓語。如:agree,ask,aim,arrange,choose,decide,demand,expect,fail ,help,hope,lean,long,

  manage,offer,plan,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,wish等,這些詞大部分可接th at引導的從句。如:

  I decided to ask for my money back.

  I decided that I would ask for my money back.

  When our visit to the farm was over,we expected to startback on foot.

  When our visit to the farm was over, we expected that wewould start back on foot.

 、诋攺秃腺e語中的賓語是不定式時,先用形式賓語it代替不定式,把不定式置于補語之后,即:主語+動 詞+it+補語+to do句式。如:

  We think it quite important for us to learn a foreignlanguage well.

  He feels it his duty to help the poor.

 、劢樵~but,except,besides+to do(do)

  在這種句型中,如介詞前有動詞do,后面應(yīng)接不帶to的不定式;如無do,則接to不定式,即帶do不帶to, 帶to不帶do。如:

  The enemy soldiers had no choice but to give in.

  On Sunday afternoon I had nothing to do but watch TV.


 、僖韵聞釉~后,只能接動名詞作賓語,如:admit,appreciate,consider,delay,enjoy,finish,keep,imag ine,mind,miss,practise,resist,risk,save,suggest,don't mind,give up,insist,on, put off等。如:

  I suggest spending our summer vacation in a seaside town.

  You must give up smoking, for it does too much harm toyour health.


  I should go to attend the birthday celebration instead of staying at home.

  What about inviting Li Jun to make a speech?

  動名詞前的介詞有時可以省略,如:have difficulty(in)doing,have no trouble(in)doing,lose no ti me(in)doing,prevent/stop…(from)doing,there is no use(in)doing等。

 、巢糠謩釉~后面,既可接動詞不定式,也可接動名詞作賓語,意義不變。如:begin,continue,start,hat e,like,love,need,require,want等。

  在need,require,want后接-ing形式,表示被動意義,也可接不定式,但要用被動形式,如:Your handwr iting needs improving(tobe improved). hate,love,like接不定式表示特定的未來事件,接動名詞表示目前 正在進行的活動或一般的行為。


  ①hate,like,love前有would(should)時,如:I'd like to have a cup of coffee.

 、诋斨^語動詞begin,continue,start等是進行式時,如:Thestudents are starting to work on the di fficult maths problem.

 、踒egin,continue,start與know,understand等狀態(tài)動詞連用時,如:I soon began to understand what

  was happening.


  Our teachers don't permit our swimming in the lake.

  Our teachers don't permit us to swim in the lake.



  Don't forget fo post the letter for me.

  Have you forgotten meeting her in Beijing Airport?

  Remember to close the windows before you leave.

  I remember writing him a letter a year ago.

  We regret to tell you that all of you are not invited toattend the meeting.

  They regretted ordering these books from abroad.

 、趍ean to do 打算做某事

  doing 意味著……

  I meant to catch up with the early bus.

  This means wasting a lot of money.

 、踭ry to do 設(shè)法盡力做某事

  doing 試著做某事

  You should try to overcome your shortcomings.

  Try working out the physics problem in another way.

 、躶top to do 停下一件事去做另一件事(不定式作目的狀語)

  doing 停止做某事

  On the way to the airport,I stopped to buy a paper.

  You'd better stop arguing and do as you are told.

 、輈an't help doing 禁不住……

  to do不能幫助干……

  They couldn't help jumping up at the news.

  Sorry I have lots of work to do.So I can't help to make up the room for you.

  ⑥go on to do 做不同的事或不同內(nèi)容的事

  doing 繼續(xù)不停地做某事,指同一動作的繼續(xù)

  He went on to talk about world situation.他接著又談了世界形勢。

  We'll go on fighting so long as there is oppression inthe world.

 、遧eave off to do 離開某地去干什么(目的狀語)


  It's time to leave off talking and to start acting.

  They left off to go fishing.



 、賂o be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.

 、贛y chief purpose is to point out the difficulties ofthe matter.

  ③What I would suggest is to put off the meeting.





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