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來源:高中英語 2019-03-11 14:58:41


  1. Catch

  catch a cold  感冒;受涼

  catch fire  著火;變得流行,火起來

  catch hold of  抓住

  catch on  流行;領(lǐng)會(huì)

  catch on to  理解

  catch one’s breath喘氣;休息

  catch one’s eye /attention 引人注目/引起注意

  catch sight of  看見

  catch up with  趕上

  2. Come

  come along  過來;進(jìn)展,發(fā)展

  come along with  隨同

  come across  偶爾遇見,偶爾發(fā)現(xiàn)

  come at  襲擊;拜見

  come by  從旁走過

  come around  到來/蘇醒,恢復(fù)/改變看法或立場

  come around / round to  贊成;同意

  come back  回來/想起,記起

  come by獲得,得到;拜訪,串門

  come between 離間,使分開,使產(chǎn)生隔閡

  come down with  因……而病倒;患…病

  come down 流傳

  come to the point  抓住要點(diǎn)

  come into contact with  與……接觸

  come in for 遭到,受到(責(zé)備等):The reporter’s work came in for criticism.

  come on  發(fā)生,趕快

  come off 發(fā)生,舉行   come off it 別傻了,別鬧笑話了,別出洋相了

  come out  發(fā)行;被告知;結(jié)果是;公開宣稱

  come into operation  啟用

  come to a standstill  停止

  come to a stop  停止;到站

  come to an end  結(jié)束

  come to light  真相大白;顯露

  come true  夢想成真

  come through 按要求(或期望)做:I asked for their help, and they came through.我向他們求助,他們就幫了我。

  come up to達(dá)到;符合;不辜負(fù)(live up to)

  come up with  提出;趕上

  come upon 偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)(或遇見)

  come a long way  取得進(jìn)展;明顯提高

  come all the way  遠(yuǎn)道而來;大老遠(yuǎn)跑來

  come in handy  遲早有用

  come into being  誕生,形成

  come out of  從(某場所)出來;出自

  come to one’s mind  想起

  come to think of it  回頭想起

  come to an agreement  達(dá)成協(xié)議

  come what may  無論如何






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