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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考總復(fù)習(xí) > 高考知識點 > 高考英語知識點 > 2019年高考一輪復(fù)習(xí)英語知識點:代詞


來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2018-10-21 22:56:39




  2.反身代詞:myself ,yourself ,himself ,herself ,itself ,ourselves ,yourselves


  3.指示代詞:this ,that ,these ,those

  4.疑問代詞:who ,whom ,what ,which

  5.相互代詞:each other ,one another

  6.不定代詞:some ,any ,all ,both ,none ,one, each ,either ,neither ,other ,another,

  something ,anything ,nothing ,anyone ,anybody , someone ,somebody ,nobody

  7.關(guān)系代詞(用于定語從句):who ,whom ,whose,that ,which ,as



  s t my book. It   This isn his. Mine is in the bag. /Is she a friend of yours ?/Do

  you think this bag of mine beautiful ?/She lost some pencils of hers.


 、(all)by oneself 自己單干,獨立干:

  The boy usually finishes his homework by himself.

 、趏f oneself 自動地,自行地:

  Mary will correct her mistakes in the exercises of herself.

 、踗or oneself 替/為自己:You have to choose for yourself.

  3.指示代詞this/these一般用來指時間和空間上較近的人或物;that/those 常指時間和


  進(jìn)行比較時,that可代替不可數(shù)名詞或單數(shù)名詞以避免重復(fù);those 可代替復(fù)數(shù)名詞以


  The water of the well is cleaner than that of the river./The Christmas cards are

  much better than those you bought yesterday.

  4.相互代詞each other ,one another.前者通常指兩者之間的"相互",后者側(cè)重三者或三






  If you have any ink ,please give me some.

  Edison became quite expert at it and could find work in any town he went to.

  ②all 與none



  of…后的謂語可以是單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù)形式。none可以簡略回答以How many或How much開 頭的疑問句。


  None of them have/has failed.

  -- How many books are there on the desk ? -- None.

  注意:no one (=nobody)不同于none ,作主語時只能跟單數(shù)謂語,不可跟of短語連用,

  回答以who開頭的問句,不能回答How many/much …開頭的問句。


  -- Who is in the room ? -- no one(=Nobody).

  --Is there any oil in the glass ? -- None.

 、踥ther ,another ,the other ,others ,the others

  other表示"沒有范圍的,其他的",與名詞復(fù)數(shù)連用。如:other books/boys/…


  如:    I don't like this hat,please show me another.

  the other可作代詞或形容詞用,指已知的事物或人中的"另一個",或另一方中的"全



  I have two sisters.One is a student and the other is a worker./I can see only

  two teachers in the office.Where are the other teachers ?

  others泛指其他的人或物;the others特指其余的人或物。others常和some對比使用。


  Thirty students in our class are boys ,the others are girls.

  Some are carrying water ,others are watering the trees.




  I have bought a new bike.My old one s duty. t work./One must do one doesn

  注意:one ,that都可代替前面出現(xiàn)過的單數(shù)名詞,但這樣用時,one可被前置或后置



  This book is the one that is needed by him.

  My seat is next to that of our teacher.


  1.-- When shall we meet again ?

  s all    -- Make it _____ day you like;it the same to me.(96年高考題)

  A.one           B.a(chǎn)ny          C.some         D.a(chǎn)nother

  析: 此題答案為B。若選A,one day意"過去/將來的某一天";若選C,some day意"有朝一日"、"將來某一天"、"遲早";若選D,another day意"改日"、"又/另一天";選B,any day意"隨便哪一天"、"無論哪一天",顯然它適合此題。

  m reading a new book these days ,_____ in 2.I English.

  A.it            B.that           C.one           D.which

  析: 排除A選項it的原因是因為it前或后都不可放定語;若選B項that,則因其不能替代同一事物,也可排除;至于D項which,因其是定語從句引導(dǎo)詞,在此明顯不合用。只有C項one一方面它可有前置或后置定語,另一方面它可以替代前面出現(xiàn)的名詞a book,故是正確答案。

  3.There were two boys who called and I gave an apple to _____.

  A.every         B.all            C.either        D.each

  析: 由題干內(nèi)容可知有兩個孩子在叫喊,故all(指三者或三者以上)不可選;every表"兩者中任意的一個",在此不符合情景之需要。只有D,each(兩者中的每一個)填入空白才合題干內(nèi)容。

  t know _____ of the visitors here;we only know some. 4.We don

  A.everyone      B.every one      C.anybody       D.each one

  析: 因為everyone ,everybody ,anybody等不定代詞一般不帶限定語(此處不能與of短語連用),故A、C選項可排除。若選D項,因not…each結(jié)構(gòu)表全否定,與下句"we only know some"不合,故不能成立。只有選B時,not…every表半否定,與下句意相合。

  5.Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in _____.


  A.the other     B.some other     C.others        D.those other

  析: 根據(jù)in some ways(在某些方面),可知空白處要選表達(dá)復(fù)數(shù)意義的詞,據(jù)此可排除A、B;又因為沒有those other這樣的詞語,故可排除D。根據(jù)some常與others相呼應(yīng)使用規(guī)律,可定C為正確答案。

  6.The question is too difficult and we found _____.

  A.it not easy to answer it         B.it was not easy for us to answer it

  s not easy to answer           D.it   C.it not easy to answer

  析: 根據(jù)時態(tài)一致規(guī)律,we found后不可跟C選項;要表達(dá)"那個問題不容易答。"這一意思時,應(yīng)說The question is not easy to answer.要表達(dá)"我們發(fā)現(xiàn)那個問題不容易答。"這一意思時,應(yīng)說We found the question (was)not easy to answer.據(jù)此可排除A、B選項;只有D才是唯一正確選項。

  7.The hairdresser now cuts s hair. s and women _____ men

  A.any            B.each          C.both           D.either

  s hair s and women 析: 根據(jù)題干men ,可知應(yīng)選與兩者有關(guān)的代詞,于是立即可排除A。由于each 和either不可直接修飾復(fù)數(shù)名詞或復(fù)數(shù)名詞所有格(應(yīng)說each of …,either of…),故又可排除B、D選項。只有both才能與其后的and構(gòu)成both…and…結(jié)構(gòu)。故正確答案是C。

  8.--Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end ?

  --If you keep still ,you can sit at _____end.   (NMET)

  A.neither        B.each          C.either         D.any

  析: 一條船只有兩頭,any是指三者或三者以上,在此不合用。neither是"兩者都不",填入空白處意思不對;each意"兩者或三者,三者以上每個人都…",若填入此題空白,不合語境,因為一個人不能同時坐船的兩頭。只有選either(兩者之一)才合此題情景。

  9.--Have you finished your report yet ?

  ll finish in _____ ten minutes.      --No ,I (NMET)

  A.less           B.more           C.other         D.another

  析: less后可直接跟形容詞、副詞、名詞,象ten minutes這樣的"數(shù)詞+名詞"短語則不可直接放于less之后,只能放于less than之后,因此A項可排除。"再過/再用十分鐘"可以說in ten more minutes ,ten minutes more ,another ten minutes ,據(jù)此可排除B項。至于other一詞,因它不能表達(dá)"再、又"意,故也可排除。因此D為正確答案。

  10.Canada is larger than _____ country in Asia.   (NMET)

  A.any          B.any other       C.other         D.another

  析: 此題是加拿大與亞洲國家相比,無需other或another ,else這類詞,故B、C、D應(yīng)排除。因為any(任何)后可跟單數(shù)名詞或復(fù)數(shù)名詞,填入空白意思也合語境,所以A是正確答案。


  1.-- Which of the two dictionaries will you borrow ?

  ll      -- I borrow _____ ,for the different uses.

  A.all          B.both         C.either         D.neither

  2._____ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.

  A.Each         B.Any          C.No one         D.None

  t eat in a restaurant because _____ of us had _____     3.We couldn money on us.

  A.all ;no      B.any ;no      C.none ;any      D.no one ;any

  4.They were all very tired ,but _____ of them would stop to take a rest.

  A.neither      B.none         C.some           D.any

  5.There is a No.2 trolleybus and a No.24 bus ;_____ will take you there.

  A.both         B.either       C.all            D.any

  6.As we were asleep ,_____ of us heard the sound.

  A.both         B.none         C.either         D.any

  7.-- Which of the five may I use ?

  -- Oh ,____.

  A.any one      B.anyone       C.anything       D.nothing

  8.--Are the two answers correct ?

  --No ,_____ correct.

  A.no one is    B.both are not C.neither is     D.either is not

  t _____.     9.I asked him for some oil ,but he hadn

  A.any          B.some         C.no             D.anything

  10.You have three English dictionaries ,but I have only two _____.

  A.ones         B.不填         C.the one        D.the ones

  11.I have a colour TV set.I want to sell ____.

  A.one          B.the one      C.that           D.it

  12.This film is not so good as _____ we saw last week.

  A.that         B.it           C.the one        D.one

  13._____ of us must go there and help him out.

  A.One or other                 B.One by one

  C.One or the other             D.One or another

  14.We all felt _____ to be the highest praise.

  A.it           B.that         C.that one       D.the one

  t you read _____ English storices ?Please tell us an     15.Haven interesting one.

  A.any          B.all          C.either         D.some

  16.-- Would you like _____ dumplings ?

  -- No,thanks.

  A.some         B.another       C.any           D.all

  17.If there is _____ chance ,I will try another.

  A.one          B.any           C.some          D.all

  18.-- Are _____ here to take the college entrance exam ?

  -- Yes ,we _____.

  A.all you ;are all             B.you all ;all are

  C.all of you ;are all          D.you of all ;all are

  19.Mr Green gave the textbooks to all the pupils except _____ who had already

  taken them.

  A.one          B.the ones        C.some         D.the others

  20.-- Have you ever seen a snake alive ?

  ve seen _____.        -- Yes ,I

  A.that         B.so              C.one          D.it

  21.-- Lily ,do you have an umbrella ?It is raining outside.

  s _____.        -- Yes ,but it

  A.small one    B.small umbrella  C.only a small one  D.that one

  t s mother kept telling him that he should work hard ,but _____ didn 22.Tom help.

  A.this         B.which           C.any          D.it

  23.-- Have you got _____ red ink ?

  t got _____.        -- Sorry ,I haven

  A.some ;some   B.any ;many       C.some ;any    D.any ;some

  24.I prefer a street in a small town to _____ in such a large city as Shanghai.

  A.that         B.it              C.this         D.one

  25.Sarad has read a lot of stories by American writers.Now she would like to

  read _____ stories by writers from _____ countries.

  A.some ;any    B.other ;some     C.some ;other  D.other ;other

  26.-- Is _____ here ?

  -- No ,Bob and Tim have asked for leave.

  A.anybody      B.somebody        C.everybody    D.nobody

  27.Our headmaster advised us that in order to succeed in life ,one has to be

  honest with _____ friends.

  s         D.our        A.their        B.her             C.one

  28.I borrowed some books _____ myself ,but when I was going to read them ,the

  lamp went out _____ itself and I had to sit in the dark _____ myself.

  A.不填;for;by  B.by;for;of       C.for;of;by    D.of;不填;by

  29.When I first saw the old farmer ,I could hardly imagine _____ invented the

  machine to pick cotton.

  A.himself      B.he himself      C.he for himself D.he by himself

  30.It is impossible for all the people to get the job ,because _____ of them

  are not fit for it.

  A.all of       B.none of         C.each of      D.every one of


  1-5    B D C B B          6-10  B A C A B

  11-15  D C A B D          16-20 A B B B C

  21-25  C D C D C          26-30 C C C B A


  3. 代詞



  數(shù) 單數(shù) 復(fù)數(shù)

  格 主格 賓格 主格 賓格

  第一人稱 I me we us

  第二人稱 you you you you

  第三人稱 he him they them

  she her they them

  it it they them

  例如:He is my friend. 他是我的朋友。

  It's me. 是我。

  二、 物主代詞是表示所有關(guān)系的代詞,也可叫做代詞所有格。物主代詞分形容性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞兩種,其人物和數(shù)的變化見下表。

  數(shù) 單數(shù) 復(fù)數(shù)

  人稱 第一人稱 第二人稱 第三人稱 第一人稱 第二人稱 第三人稱

  形容詞性物主代詞 my your his/her/its our your their

  名詞性物主代詞 mine yours his/hers/its ours yours theirs

  例如: I like his car. 我喜歡他的小汽車。

  Our school is here,and theirs is there. 我們的學(xué)校在這兒,他們的在那兒。

  三、 指示代詞表示"那個"、"這個"、"這些"、"那些"等指示概念的代詞。指示代詞有this,that,these,those等。

  例如:That is a good idea. 那是個好主意。

  四、 表示"我自己"、"你自己"、"他自己"、"我們自己"、"你們自己"和"他們自己"等的代詞,叫做自身代詞,也稱為


  例如:She was talking to herself.  她自言自語。

  五、 表示相互關(guān)系的代詞叫相互代詞,有each other 和one another兩組,但在運用中,這兩組詞沒什么大的區(qū)別。

  例如:They love each other.  他們彼此相愛。

  六、 不是指明代替任何特定名詞的代詞叫做不定代詞。常見的不定代詞有a11,both,each,every等,以及含有some-,any-,no-等的合成代詞,如anybody, something,no one。這些不定代詞大都可以代替名詞和形容詞,在句中作主語、賓語、表語和定語,但none和由some,any,no等構(gòu)成的復(fù)合不定代詞只能作主語、賓語或表語;every和no只能作定語。

  例如:--- Do you have a car?  --你有一輛小汽車嗎?

  --- Yes,I have one.   --是的,我有一輛。

  --- I don't know any of them.  他們,我一個也不認(rèn)識。

  七、 疑問代詞有who,whom,whose,what和which等。在句子中用來構(gòu)成特殊疑問句。疑問代詞都可用作連接代詞,引導(dǎo)名詞性從句(主語從句、賓語從句和表語從句)

  例如:Tell me who he is.  告訴我他是誰。

  八、 關(guān)系代詞有who,whom,whose,that,which,as等,可用作引導(dǎo)從句的關(guān)聯(lián)詞。它們在定語從句中可作主語、


  例如:He is the man whom you have been looking for.  他就是你要找的那個人。

  3.1 人稱代詞的用法


  John waited a while but eventually he went home. 約翰等了一會兒,最后他回家了。

  John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she. 約翰希望那位乘客是瑪麗,還真是她。


  When he arrived, John went straight to the bank. 約翰一到就直接去銀行了。


  例如: I saw her with them, at least, I thought it was her. 我看到她和他們在一起,至少我認(rèn)為是她。(her做賓語,them做介詞賓語,her做主語補語)

  a. -- Who broke the vase? --誰打碎了花瓶?

  b. -- Me.            --我。(me做主語補語= It's me.)


  3.2 人稱代詞之主、賓格的替換






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