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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2018-10-21 23:00:31



  happy a.-happily ad. 快樂地,幸福地   true a.-truly ad.真實(shí)地,真心地

  terrible a.-terribly ad.可怕地,非常     gentle a.-gently ad.輕柔地

  immediate a.-immediately ad. 立刻     regular a.-regularly ad. 定期地,經(jīng)常

  gradual a.-gradually ad.逐漸地


  surprise n. v.-surprising a.-surprisingly ad.使人吃驚地;出人意料地

  succeed v.-success n.-successful a.-successfully ad.    hope n.v.-hopeful a.-hopefully ad.

  luck n.-lucky a.-luckily ad. = fortune n.-fortunate a.-fortunately ad.幸運(yùn)地

  person n.-personal a.-personally ad.就個(gè)人而言,親自地

  truth n. 真相,真理-true a.-truly ad. 真正地

  reality n.真實(shí),現(xiàn)實(shí)-real a.-really ad. 確實(shí),真正地


 。╢ortune),her best friend Robersion joined her.

  ____    (lucky),he also had a cow which produced milk every day.

  ____    (hope),I feel much fortunate to be able to use my life's talent to teach children

  ____     (final) I selected a set of Chinese textbooks among a variety of similar ones.

  Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat ____    (slow)during cool nights,緩慢地放出(give out)熱量

  She was ____(surprise)helpful.  出人意料地有幫助(helpful)

  "No way am I going to sit there," I thought ____        (immediate).    立刻想到(thought)

  some would rather break the law to satisfy their financial desire or seek their fortune ___     _(legal).


  One day,the sky ____      (sudden)darkened突然變黑(darkened)

  so that we could live happy in a beautiful and harmonious world. 快樂地生活

  Trying to come to a decision complete on your own can be risky. 完全靠自己

  From my experience,I strong feel that it is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me from trouble

  The city palaces have 9,999 rooms total.



  銜接性副詞therefore因此,however然而(后面須用逗號(hào),無逗號(hào)用but),besides此外(區(qū)分beside 介詞"在...旁邊"),instead 相反地,even 甚至,still 仍然;然而,但是

  改錯(cuò):From dawn to dusk she still got nothing in his hands. Therefore,the old man was happy at ease.

  易混副詞ago(與過去時(shí)連用)/before(與had done連用) 在...之前,

  時(shí)間段+later 多久以后;hard 努力地,艱難地,hardly 幾乎不;too 也(肯定句句尾),either 也(否定句句尾);close 靠近,緊挨著,closely 仔細(xì)地,密切地;

  as...as sb. can/could某人盡可能..., as..as possible 盡可能...

  Beside,Cleo tends to bark an average of six hours a day.

  Today we had a chemistry test.I found the test difficulty,but I tried hardly to do it.

  For the last three days,she could hard speak.

  I stood nearly the window

  5、比較級(jí): 句中有than引出比較對(duì)象用比較級(jí)。

  如:Surprisingly, the section of the leaf under the cardboard looked           (green) than the rest of it!


  如: I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time-there are              (meaningful)things to do.

  ? 修飾詞much, even, far, a little, a bit 可提示用比較級(jí)

  如:(改錯(cuò))Alice kept weighing herself to see how much heavy she was getting.

  ? 固定結(jié)構(gòu):"the+比較級(jí), the+比較級(jí)"表示"越...就越..."

  如:We're only got a limited number of tickets, so the          (early) you e-mail us, the more likely you are to get one.

  6、 最高級(jí):



  如:He discovered that the          (big) hardship of all is sleeping on the cold ground.








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