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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2019-05-08 20:41:48

  1. fail an examination 考試不及格,沒通過考試。如:

  Half the students failed the English examination. 有一半學生英語考試沒及格。

  2. make an examination 進行檢查。如:

  He made an examination of the room. 他檢查了房間。

  They made a thorough examination of the airplane after the accident. 發(fā)生事故后,他們徹底檢查了這架飛機。

  3. on examination 經(jīng)過調(diào)查后。如:

  On examination I found the goods of poor quality. 一檢查我就找出了這些質(zhì)量低劣的貨物。

  The metal looked like gold, but on closer examination was found to be brass. 那金屬像金子,但仔細看原來是黃銅。

  4. pass an examination 考試及格,通過考試。如:

  Did he pass the maths examination? 他的數(shù)學考試及格了嗎?

  None of the students passed the examination. 沒有一個人通過考試。

  5. set an examination 出考題。如:

  Who set the examination? 誰出的考題?

  Our teacher set us a difficult examination in English. 老師給我們出了很難的英語試題。

  6. take [sit, sit for] an examination 參加考試。如:

  Of those who took the exam, only thirty percent passed. 參加考試的人中間,只有百分之三十的人通過了。

  We have to sit a history exam next week. 下周我們要參加歷史考試。

  注:“參加考試”通常不用 take part in an examination, 另外比較:

  sit for an examination 參加考試,參考

  enter for an examination 報名參加考試,報考

  7. under examination 在檢查中,在審查中。如:

  The prisoner was still under examination. 囚犯仍受審。





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