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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2019-05-08 16:33:07

1.It’sthe first time that……….(從句中用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí))
  It wasfor the first time that………(強(qiáng)調(diào)句,對(duì)狀語for the first time進(jìn)行強(qiáng)調(diào))
  It’s(high) time that……..(從句中用過去時(shí)或should do)
  2.It’sthe same with sb. / So it is with sb.表示某人也如此(用于前句中既有肯定又有否定或兩個(gè)不同類的謂語動(dòng)詞)
  3. …beabout to do / be doing……when…….正要做/正在做……就在那時(shí)…….
  4.A istwice / three times as +原級(jí)+as B A是B的兩倍/三倍
  A istwice / three times the n. of B. A的…是B的兩倍/三倍
  A istwice / three times +比較級(jí)+than B A比B多兩倍/三倍
  5.It’s awaste of time / money doing / to do…做……浪費(fèi)時(shí)間/金錢
  It’s nouse / good doing……… 做……是沒有用的
  It’spossible / probable / (un) likely that………. 很可能……
  It makesgreat / no sense to do……做某事很有/沒意義
  6. There’sno use / good doing……. 做……沒有用
  There’s no sense / point (in) doing…… 做……沒有意義
  There is no need for sth. / to do……. 沒有過必要做……
  There is (no) possibility that…………(同位語從句)很可能/沒可能……
  7.The+比較級(jí)……..,the+比較級(jí)………越…….., 越…….
  8.Itseems / appears ( to sb. ) that sb…….在某人看來某人………
  = Sb.seems / appears to be / to do / to be doing / to have done……..
  It seems / looks as if……….好象/似乎……..
  9.It (so)happened that sb. ……..某人碰巧……..
  = Sb. happened to be / to do / to be doing /to have done…..
  10.It issaid / thought / believed / hoped / supposed …….that sb………
  =Sb. issaid to be / to do / to be doing / to have done……….(注意:這種句型里如帶動(dòng)詞hope則不能變成簡(jiǎn)單句,因?yàn)闊ohopesb. to do結(jié)構(gòu))
  13. Doyou mind if I do sth.? / Would you mind if I did sth.? 你介意我做……嗎?
  14. Thechance is that……../ (The )Chances are that……….很可能…….
  15.Check/ Make sure / See to it / See that……..(從句中常用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)) 確信/務(wù)必……..
  16.depend on it that……..取決于
  see to it that…….負(fù)責(zé)/設(shè)法做到…….
  注意:除了except / but / in等介詞可以直接接that從句,其它介詞后必須用it做形式賓語;
  17.It is/ was +介詞短語/ 從句/ 名詞/代詞等+that………
  How /When / Where / Why is / was it that………..?
  18.How isit that……..(這幾個(gè)句型都表示“怎么會(huì)…….?” “怎么發(fā)生的?”)
  How come+從句?
  How does / did sth. come about? ( How did itcome about that…….?)
  如:How come you are late again?
  19. Thereseems / appears / happens to be / must be / can’t be / is (are, was, were) saidto be / is (are, was, were) thought to be…….
  表示 “.似乎有/碰巧有/一定有/不可能有/ 據(jù)說有/認(rèn)為有……..”
  介詞(如of )there being
  want /wish / expect there to be要/希望/期待有……..
  adj. /adv. enough for there to be…….足夠…….會(huì)有…….
  注意:there being / there to be為therebe的非謂語形式;It is said / thought that there is / are……=Thereis / was / are / were said (thought) to be……. 如:
  Eg: Ihave never dream of there being such a good chance for me.
  It won’t be cold enough for there to be afrost tonight.
  20. 疑問詞+插入語+陳述語序?
  Eg: Whodo you think he’ll have attend the meeting?
  21. Butfor + n. / pron., sb. / sth. would (not) have done…..要不是…….,某人早就……(表示虛擬語氣)=If it had not been for…..,……./If there had not been ……..
  22. Itwon(’t) be long before +從句(從句中用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí))不久/很久就要…….
  It was (not) long before+從句(從句中用一般過去時(shí))不久/很久才……..
  23. Thosewho………….(從句及主句中謂語動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式).
  Anyone who…………= Whoever………..(從句及主句中謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)形式)
  24…….主句(一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)或過去時(shí))…...when從句….(might/ should do 或might / should have done) 表示”對(duì)比”,意思為 “本該……(可)而卻”,主句中為陳述語氣,從句里為虛擬語氣
  Eg: Whyare you here when you should be in school?你本該上學(xué)的怎么在這兒?
  Hestopped trying when he might have succeeded .本該已成功了他卻停止努力了.
  25. Thereis ./ Sb. have no doubt that………(同位語從句,that不可省略) 毫無疑問……
  There is / Sb. have some doubt whether……..(同位語從句不可用if)不確定…是否…
  Sb. doubtif / whether……. 某人懷疑是否……
  Sb. don’t doubt that……… 某人不懷疑……
  26.immediately / directly / instantly / the moment +從句
  on / upon + n. / doing
  No sooner had sb. done than …….(過去時(shí))
  Hardly had sb. done when……..(過去時(shí))
  27. everytime / each time / the last time / the first time / next time +從句(名詞性短語引導(dǎo)一個(gè)時(shí)間狀語句)
  anywhere / everywhere +從句(相當(dāng)于wherever引導(dǎo)的地點(diǎn)狀語從句)
  Eg: Youcan go anywhere you like.
  Next timeyou come, please bring your son along.
  28.Ifonly / I wish +從句(用過去類時(shí)態(tài)) 表示虛擬語氣, “要是…….就好了” “但愿……就好了!”
  29.Considering+ n. 或 pron. 或 that從句 / Seeing that……….考慮到/鑒于…….
  Given + n. / pron作狀語,表示 “在有……的情況下” “如果有” “假定”,有時(shí)也表示”考慮到”
  Eg:Seeing (that) he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should help himnow.
  Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.
  Given their inexperience / that they are inexperienced, they’vedone a good job.
  30.Therewas a time when…….曾經(jīng)有那么一度……….
  31.otherthan與no, not, none等否定詞連用,表示肯定意思,如:
  Eg: Itwas none other than Mr. Smith.這正是Smith先生.
  32. Notuntil…….did / do/ does / will sb. do……
  It was / is not until ……that sb………
  33.It’s(un) like sb. to do / to have done……做某事很像某人/ 做某事可不像某人
  34.Itremains to be seen Wh--words ……..是否…….還有待于看.(不用that, if作連接詞)
  35.Itonly remains for sb. to do……剩下的只是要某人做某事.
  Eg: We’vegot everything ready. It only remains for you to come to dinner.
  36.Onemoment……., and now………剛才一會(huì)兒還在做……而現(xiàn)在卻……..
  37.Notall / both / everyone………表示部分否定
  38. Suchis / are……..這(些)就是…….(謂語動(dòng)詞單復(fù)數(shù)由后面名詞決定)
  39.I’drather (not) do / have done……我寧愿…..
  I’drather +從句(從句中用過去時(shí)或過去完成時(shí))
  40. It’simportant / necessary / strange / surprising….+that……(用陳述語氣或shoulddo)
  41. Ilike / hate / appreciate it that / when等從句 (it表示后面從句的這種情況)
  Eg: Iappreciate it if you will give me a hand.
  42. Bythe time +從句(一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)/過去時(shí)),主句(將來完成時(shí)/過去完成時(shí))
  43……….,as is often the case with sb. / as is usual with sb.(as引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句)
  44 in case / lest / for fear that…….(從句中用陳述語氣或shoulddo)
  45.While置于句首可表示Aslong as 或 Although
  Eg: Whilethere is life there is hope.
  While I admit his good points, I can see his bad ones.
  46. cannot ( never) ……too +adj. (adv. ) / adj. (adv.) + enough “越……越好”“非常”
  too + adj. ( anxious / eager / willing / ready / glad等)+todo….表示肯定意思
  Eg: I can’tthank you enough.我非常感激你.
  He wastoo glad to see his father.=He was very glad to see his father.
  47. not /neve等表示否定的詞與比較級(jí)連用表示最高級(jí),如:
  Eg:-----Doyou agree with his suggestion?
  -------I can’t agree more.
  48. Whatif……..要是…….怎么辦?
  Eg:Whatif he doesn’t come tomorrow?
  49. more……..than與其…….不如……..
  Eg:He ismore nervous than frightened.
  50. It is/ has been +一段時(shí)間+since從句(從句中如為延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,則實(shí)際表示的意思相反)
  Eg:It istwo years since he drank.他不喝酒已兩年了.






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