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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2019-05-08 16:45:08



  通常由從屬連詞when, whenever, as, while, before, after, as soon as, till, until, since, once (一旦), hardly……when…, no sooner…….than…; 等引導(dǎo)。例如:

  The cyclist started just as the lights changed to green.

  Whenever we met with difficulties , they cam to help us.

  He didn’t leave his office until he had finished the day’s work.


  1.在時間狀語從句中,通常要用動詞的一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)表示一般將來時態(tài),用一般過去時態(tài)表示過去將來時態(tài)。但when 引導(dǎo)一般疑問句或名詞性從句時不受上述語法規(guī)則的限制,因此,應(yīng)該加以區(qū)分。例如:

  When China will enter WTO depends on the bilateral (雙邊的)joint efforts.

  Once you understand the rules of the game, you’ll enjoy it.

  2.when , while, as 的不同用法。一般說來,當(dāng)主、從句的動作是同時發(fā)生的事,三者可以換用。when既可以引導(dǎo)一個持續(xù)動作,也可以引導(dǎo)一個短暫動作,可用于主句和從句動作同時發(fā)生或從句動作先于主句動作;while 引導(dǎo)的動作必須是持續(xù)性的,強(qiáng)調(diào)主句和從句的動作同時發(fā)生,往往側(cè)重主句和從句動作的對比;as 用于引導(dǎo)“在某行為的繼續(xù)中發(fā)生某事”的“繼續(xù)之行為”,所以多與過去進(jìn)行時連用,翻譯成“一邊……一邊……”或者表示動作的變化,翻譯成“隨著……”。


  I hope you’ll think of my words as/when/while you drive on the busy roads.

  When he realized it, the chance had been lost.

  When he came home, I was cooking dinner.

  I was fat when I was a child.

  He took a bath while I was preparing dinner.

  As I was walking down the street, an American asked me for the directions to the nearest station.

  He sang songs as he was taking a bath.

  As he gets older he gets more optimistic.

  另外還必須注意 when和while 的特殊用法。when 可以表示“就在這時,突然”之意;而while 則可以表示對比的含義,?勺g作“而”。例如:

  She thought I was talking about her daughter, ____, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.

  A. whom B. where C. which D. while

  答案:D. 本句的意思是“她認(rèn)為我在談?wù)撍畠海欢,實際上,我在談?wù)撐遗畠骸?rdquo;


  I was about to go to bed when the phone rang a second time.


  3.since 和before 的用法區(qū)別。兩者都可用于 “It + be + since/ before-從句”的句型,區(qū)別在于 since 表示“自從…… 以來”,所在主、從句的謂語動詞的時態(tài)關(guān)系是:It is/has been some time since sb did something. 而before 的含義則是“(過了多久)才……”,主、從句的時態(tài)關(guān)系是:It was/ had been some time before sb did sth。表示過去和將來時,兩者相應(yīng)的句型分別是:It was some time since sb had done something. 和It will be some time before sb does something. 例如:

  It was / had been years before I came back from abroad.

  It will be five years before we meet again.

  4.一些表示時間的名詞詞組如: the first time, the second time, last time, the moment, the minute,the year, every time, each time , next time, 或副詞immediately, instantly, directly等也可以引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。例如:

  I’ll tell you about it the moment you come.

  I recognized her the minute I saw her.

  I’m going to see him next time he comes to Shanghai.

  He left Europe the year World War II broke out.

  I got in touch with him immediately I received his letter.

  My sister came directly( = as soon as ) she got my message.

  5.till 和until

  till 和until 意義相同,多數(shù)情況下可以換用,但用以強(qiáng)調(diào),句首多用until; 在強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)或與not 連用時多用until. 例如:

  Nothing can be done till/until the boss returns.

  We waited till/until they came back.

  Until we know the facts, we can’t do anything about it.

  Not until midnight did the noise of the street stop.

  6.hardly……when和no sooner……than相當(dāng)于as soon as 之意,也可引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。從句謂語動詞用一般過去時,主句謂語動詞用過去完成時。hardly 及no sooner 置于句首時,語氣較強(qiáng),主句的謂語要部分倒裝。例如:

  We had hardly begun when we were told to stop.

  = Hardly had we begun when we were told to stop.

  The spy had no sooner returned home than he was told to go to another country.

  = No sooner had the spy returned home than he was told to go to another country.


  地點狀語從句由 where和wherever 引導(dǎo),在主句前、后都可。where 表示特指,wherever 則表示泛指。但不少學(xué)生易將其和定語從句混淆,再者有的同學(xué)對地點狀語從句不太注意,所以往往做錯。例如:

  You should make it a rule to leave things ___ you can find them again.

  A.when B.where C.then D.there

  答案:B. 注意它引導(dǎo)的不是定語從句。

  After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.(NMET 96)

  A.which B. where C. that D. when

  答案:B. 這是一個由where 引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾先行詞the small town.。再如:

  Where there is a will, there’s a way.




  1.原因狀語從句多由because, since, as 引導(dǎo)。because 引導(dǎo)的從句一般放在句末,表示直接的原因,語氣最強(qiáng),回答why提出的問題,重點在從句;since 引導(dǎo)的從句一般放在句首,表已知的原因,全句重在交代結(jié)果,比because 語氣弱,常譯作“既然”; as 引導(dǎo)的從句放在句首或句末,表示比較明顯的原因,說明因果關(guān)系,語氣較弱,重點在主句,譯作“由于”。例如:

  _____ you have seen both fighters,_____ will win ?

  A.Since; do you think who B.As; who you think

  C.When; whoever D.Since; who do you think

  答案:D. since 表示“既然”,所傳達(dá)的信息是顯而易見的。再如:

  As all the seats are full, he had to stand waiting.

  ---“Why aren’t you coming with us to the concert ?”

  ---“Because I have got a bad headache.”

  此外,for 也可表示原因,但它是并列連詞,引出并列分句,表示間接原因,用來補(bǔ)充說明內(nèi)容,或據(jù)此而作出某種推斷。例如:

  She must have wept, for there are tear trails on her cheeks.

  2.now that也可引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,意思是“既然”,與since 同義,但更突出事實本身。


  通常由so that, in order that, so, in case“以防、以免”等連詞引導(dǎo)。例如:

  He took the medicine on time so that he might get well again.

  The teacher must speak clearly so that his students can/may understand well.

  She has bought the book in order that she can follow the TV lessons.

  1.目的狀語從句中的謂語常含有may/might, can/could, should , will/would等情態(tài)動詞,通常主句在前,從句在后,主句與從句之間沒有逗號。

  2.in order that 引導(dǎo)的目的狀語從句和so that 引導(dǎo)的狀語從句可以換用,但in order that多用于正式文體中,而so 可用于口語或非正式文體中。例如:

  We’ll sit nearer the front so (that) we can hear better.

  3. in case 在非正式文體中,常引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句,表示“以防、以免”等含義。例如:

  He left early in case he should miss the train.

  Take your raincoat in case it rains/ should rain.


  通常由連詞so that, so…that, such… that等引導(dǎo)。例如:

  He had overslept, so that he was late for work.

  He was so angry that he left the room without saying a word.

  He made such an excellent speech that everyone admired him.

  1.so…that和such…that 引導(dǎo)的結(jié)果狀語從句都表示主句的動作或狀態(tài)達(dá)到一定的程度而引起的結(jié)果。

  so 是副詞,用來修飾形容詞、副詞、分詞或其它結(jié)構(gòu),such 是形容詞,用來修飾名詞或名詞短語。例如:

  There were so many people in the room that we couldn’t get in.

  So badly was he injured that he had to go to the hospital. (so短語位于句首時,主句須倒裝)






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